• Zolnai Tamás's avatar
    hsqldb does not support "select * from t limit n" · 05d73829
    Zolnai Tamás yazdı
    If limit clause follow from clause directly than the statement
    parser of hsqldb parses "LIMIT" token like a table alias and
    that's why the next number is unexpected.
    The problem was that the limit token was not added to a "keyword"
    vector in which parser search while working with form clause.
    If the algorithm find a keyword after table names than it
    knows it is the end of the form clause. That's why it
    worked with any other keywords like "ORDER_BY",
    "WHERE", "GROUP BY" and so on.
    Change-Id: Iacd3ea3493c85eb0f2579aaad6903537ac65d25a
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