• Caolán McNamara's avatar
    always pass bookmark name through to domainmapper · 2b54cace
    Caolán McNamara yazdı
    the rtf doc has three bookmark starts but only two matching
    bookmark ends.
    The tokenizer has three starts 0, 1, 2, but 0 is missing an end. Without the
    end of 0, the mapper never inserts an entry for it, so later inserts the start
    of rtftok index 1 as mapper index 0, and passing the end for a bare "1" cannot
    be found by index. If we pass the name then it finds it by name as mapper index
    0 and all is well.
    Change-Id: I344db84e4f1c7d55fca59cdfe692080c7d0b8033
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