1. 22 Eyl, 2016 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Stephan Bergmann's avatar
      Check harder whether file is really under WORKDIR · 4c70a1a6
      Stephan Bergmann yazdı
      1977b57b "vcl: loplugin:override" had only hit
      in out-of-tree builds, where the #include in the generated
      workdir/CustomTarget/vcl/unx/kde4/tst_exclude_socket_notifiers.moc is an
      absolute path.  For in-tree builds, the generated #include line is
      "../../../../../vcl/unx/kde4/tst_exclude_socket_notifiers.hxx", so the returned
      getFileName() is .../workdir/../../../../../vcl/..., so was erroneously
      considered to be under WORKDIR.
      Change-Id: I9abef04b90ecb4921087a53ff196b833940085e5
  2. 21 Eyl, 2016 39 kayıt (commit)