Kaydet (Commit) fc68fb4b authored tarafından Frank Schoenheit [fs]'s avatar Frank Schoenheit [fs] Kaydeden (comit) Michael Meeks

fs34b: #i117039# restore old behavior of SfxUndoManager::EnableUndo: don't count…

fs34b: #i117039# restore old behavior of SfxUndoManager::EnableUndo: don't count the calls, but maintain a simple flag.
Consequently, let sw's UndoManager simply delegate now, and change the UndoManagerHelper to maintain a lock counter itself.
üst 11af41cf
......@@ -402,12 +402,9 @@ SwUndo * UndoManager::RemoveLastUndo()
void UndoManager::EnableUndo(bool bEnable)
// UGLY: SfxUndoManager has a counter to match enable/disable calls
// but the writer code expects that a single call switches
while (IsUndoEnabled() != bEnable)
// SfxUndoManager does not have a counter anymore, but reverted to the old behavior of
// having a simple boolean flag for locking. So, simply forward.
void UndoManager::AddUndoAction(SfxUndoAction *pAction, sal_Bool bTryMerge)
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