Kaydet (Commit) f8a76d21 authored tarafından Miklos Vajna's avatar Miklos Vajna

tdf#108524 sw: split section frames inside table cells, non-split text frames

Commit f991b842 (tdf#108524 sw: attempt
to split section frames inside table cells, 2017-06-19) added initial
support for multi-page sections inside a table cell, but turns out this
only worked in case at the split point there was a long enough
paragraph, so it was split into two (a "master" text frame and a
"follow" one), and then the follow was moved to the next page by
SwContentFrame::MakeAll(), with the MoveFwd() call in the "If a Follow
sits next to its Master and doesn't fit, we know it can be moved right
now." block.

However, if the section contains lots of one-liner text frames, then all
of them are masters, so the above code doesn't move them to the next
page; so the section frame is still not split. Fix the problem by
allowing the move of frames inside table-in-sections in
SwSectionFrame::MoveAllowed(), that way SwTextFrame::AdjustFrame() will
not set the text frame as undersized, so at the end
SwContentFrame::MakeAll() will call MoveFwd() in the "If a column
section can't find any space for its first ContentFrame" block.

With this the split of text frames in section-in-table frames is
consistent regardless if they are of multiple or single lines.

Change-Id: Ief9d62da3fd8a5c707e1f9489a92f7a81e7b38ac
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/39623Reviewed-by: 's avatarMiklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.co.uk>
Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
üst 6a76b4c9
......@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ public:
void testTdf107976();
void testTdf108524();
void testTableInSection();
void testLinesInSectionInTable();
......@@ -399,6 +400,7 @@ public:
......@@ -4962,6 +4964,22 @@ void SwUiWriterTest::testTdf108524()
assertXPath(pXmlDoc, "/root/page[2]/body/tab/row/cell/section", 1);
void SwUiWriterTest::testLinesInSectionInTable()
// This is similar to testTdf108524(), but the page boundary now is not in
// the middle of a multi-line paragraph: the section only contains oneliner
// paragraphs instead.
xmlDocPtr pXmlDoc = parseLayoutDump();
// In total we expect two cells containing a section.
assertXPath(pXmlDoc, "/root/page/body/tab/row/cell/section", 2);
assertXPath(pXmlDoc, "/root/page[1]/body/tab/row/cell/section", 1);
// This was 0, section wasn't split, instead it was only on the first page
// and it was cut off.
assertXPath(pXmlDoc, "/root/page[2]/body/tab/row/cell/section", 1);
void SwUiWriterTest::testTableInSection()
// The document has a section, containing a table that spans over 2 pages.
......@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ namespace
/// Checks if pFrame is in a table, which itself is in a section.
bool IsInTableInSection(SwFrame* pFrame)
bool IsInTableInSection(const SwFrame* pFrame)
if (!pFrame->IsInTab())
return false;
......@@ -2160,8 +2160,8 @@ bool SwSectionFrame::MoveAllowed( const SwFrame* pFrame) const
return false;
// Now it has to be examined whether there is a layout sheet wherein
// a section Follow can be created
if( IsInTab() || ( !IsInDocBody() && FindFooterOrHeader() ) )
return false; // It doesn't work in tables/headers/footers
if( IsInTableInSection(this) || ( !IsInDocBody() && FindFooterOrHeader() ) )
return false; // It doesn't work in table-in-sections/headers/footers
if( IsInFly() ) // In column based or chained frames
return nullptr != const_cast<SwFrame*>(static_cast<SwFrame const *>(GetUpper()))->GetNextLeaf( MAKEPAGE_NONE );
return true;
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