Kaydet (Commit) f575cf33 authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

Create a CG bitmap context in doc_paintWindow(), too, for iOS

Just like in doc_paintTile().

Now at least some of the dialogs work in the iOS app, yay.

Change-Id: I10c7eeb1f121ba68a1af723d45575890b1d598da
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/62800
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: 's avatarTor Lillqvist <tml@collabora.com>
üst 617479a0
......@@ -2159,6 +2159,9 @@ static void doc_paintTile(LibreOfficeKitDocument* pThis,
#ifdef IOS
// This function is separate only to be used by LibreOfficeLight. If that app can be retired, this
// function's code can be inlined into the iOS part of doc_paintTile().
static void doc_paintTileToCGContext(LibreOfficeKitDocument* pThis,
void* rCGContext,
const int nCanvasWidth, const int nCanvasHeight,
......@@ -3572,6 +3575,33 @@ static void doc_paintWindow(LibreOfficeKitDocument* /*pThis*/, unsigned nLOKWind
#if defined(IOS)
CGContextRef cgc = CGBitmapContextCreate(pBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, 8, nWidth*4, CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little);
CGContextTranslateCTM(cgc, 0, nHeight);
CGContextScaleCTM(cgc, 1, -1);
SystemGraphicsData aData;
aData.rCGContext = cgc;
ScopedVclPtrInstance<VirtualDevice> pDevice(&aData, Size(1, 1), DeviceFormat::DEFAULT);
pDevice->SetOutputSizePixel(Size(nWidth, nHeight));
MapMode aMapMode(pDevice->GetMapMode());
aMapMode.SetOrigin(Point(-nX, -nY));
pWindow->PaintToDevice(pDevice.get(), Point(0, 0), Size());
ScopedVclPtrInstance<VirtualDevice> pDevice(nullptr, Size(1, 1), DeviceFormat::DEFAULT);
......@@ -3584,6 +3614,8 @@ static void doc_paintWindow(LibreOfficeKitDocument* /*pThis*/, unsigned nLOKWind
pWindow->PaintToDevice(pDevice.get(), Point(0, 0), Size());
static void doc_postWindow(LibreOfficeKitDocument* /*pThis*/, unsigned nLOKWindowId, int nAction)
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