Kaydet (Commit) f54f99fe authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

coverity#1316521 Dereference null return value

Change-Id: I6ec19df7b84e3529ef00640560540fda445dc82e
üst c5a516bd
......@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ void FolderTree::FillTreeEntry( const OUString & rUrl, const ::std::vector< std:
if( pParent && !IsExpanded( pParent ) )
while( GetChildCount( pParent ) > 0 )
while (SvTreeListEntry* pChild = FirstChild(pParent))
SvTreeListEntry* pChild = FirstChild( pParent );
GetModel()->Remove( pChild );
for(::std::vector< std::pair< OUString, OUString > >::const_iterator it = rFolders.begin(); it != rFolders.end() ; ++it)
SvTreeListEntry* pNewEntry = InsertEntry( it->first, pParent, true );
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