Kaydet (Commit) f542a5de authored tarafından Tino Rachui's avatar Tino Rachui

#92635#class File now has a method isEndOfFile

üst a35db968
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: file.hxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.17 $
* $Revision: 1.18 $
* last change: $Author: obr $ $Date: 2001-10-12 13:27:05 $
* last change: $Author: tra $ $Date: 2001-11-08 13:55:24 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
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......@@ -800,6 +800,31 @@ public:
return (RC) osl_getFilePos( _pData, &uPos );
/** Tests if the end of a file is reached.
@param pIsEOF [out] Points to a variable that receives the end of file
@return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
E_INVAL the format of the parameter was not valid<br>
These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p>
E_INTR function call was interrupted<br>
E_IO I/O error<br>
E_ISDIR Is a directory<br>
E_BADF Bad file<br>
E_FAULT Bad address<br>
E_AGAIN Operation would block<br>
E_NOLINK Link has been severed<p>
@see open
@see read
@see readLine
@see setFilePos
inline RC isEndOfFile( sal_Bool *pIsEOF )
return (RC) osl_isEndOfFile( _pData, pIsEOF );
/** Sets the file size of an open file. The file can be truncated or enlarged by the function.
The position of the file pointer is not affeced by this function.
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