Kaydet (Commit) f086884f authored tarafından Noel Grandin's avatar Noel Grandin

java: remove unused parameters

Change-Id: If51df0579dad2496d88699e6c850976d7e89ca9b
üst c218458e
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ public class URLHelper
* @return [String]
* a file url which represent the given system path
public static String getFileURLFromSystemPath( File aSystemPath )
String sFileURL = null;
......@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ public class MainThreadDialogExecutor implements XCallback
static public boolean Close( XComponentContext xContext, XDialog xDialog )
MainThreadDialogExecutor aExecutor = new MainThreadDialogExecutor( xDialog, true );
MainThreadDialogExecutor aExecutor = new MainThreadDialogExecutor( xDialog );
aExecutor.m_bClose = true;
aExecutor.m_bCalled = true; // no yielding, asynchronous closing
return GetCallback( xContext, aExecutor );
......@@ -116,13 +118,6 @@ public class MainThreadDialogExecutor implements XCallback
m_xDialog = xDialog;
private MainThreadDialogExecutor( XDialog xDialog, boolean bClose )
m_xDialog = xDialog;
m_bClose = true;
m_bCalled = true; // no yielding, asynchronous closing
private MainThreadDialogExecutor( XMessageBox xMessageBox )
m_xMessageBox = xMessageBox;
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