Kaydet (Commit) efa52a41 authored tarafından Damjan Jovanovic's avatar Damjan Jovanovic

If called on an empty collection, don't let OEnumerationByIndex.nextElement()

call XIndexAccess.getByIndex() with an invalid index, just like
OEnumerationByName.nextElement() doesn't.

Patch by: me
üst 182d624d
......@@ -188,14 +188,13 @@ staruno::Any SAL_CALL OEnumerationByIndex::nextElement( )
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
staruno::Any aRes;
if (m_xAccess.is())
if (m_xAccess.is() && m_nPos < m_xAccess->getCount())
aRes = m_xAccess->getByIndex(m_nPos++);
if (m_nPos >= m_xAccess->getCount())
if (m_xAccess.is() && m_nPos >= m_xAccess->getCount())
if (!aRes.hasValue()) // es gibt kein Element mehr
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