Kaydet (Commit) dd929dd0 authored tarafından Josh Heidenreich's avatar Josh Heidenreich Kaydeden (comit) Kohei Yoshida

Added and improved READMEs for modules whihc used to be in libs-extern

üst ec84bbb2
External library.
Adds support for the Apple Remote (a remote control) to control Impress.
Java interpreter from [http://www.beanshell.org/] with some patches.
So you can write java in command shell; interactive java good for prototyping/macros.
C++ port of the JUnit framework for unit testing.
From [http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppunit/]
Enhanced Package Manager, From [http://freshmeat.net/projects/epm]
Nasty hack for packaging, not useful, but default build uses, every linux packager disables this.
Java database engine from [http://hsqldb.org/].
Default database format for OpenOffice.org.
Also used in LibreOffice but shall be replaced as default by SQLite.
Hyphenator library from [http://hunspell.sourceforge.net]
Date: 2008-01-11
Library used to build the sRGB profile for PDF/A-1a export with patches.
This project is used to generate the ICC color
profile needed in module vcl in order to export
to PDF/A-1a.
It's composed of a small application, which lurks in:
It's composed of a small application, which lurks in:
That application links to a support library
(icc/download/SampleICC-1.3.2), build at OOo
build time.
Finally, the application is run at OOo build time to
generate the only file delivered to solver:
......@@ -17,23 +18,20 @@ sRGB-IEC61966-2.1.hxx.
If you need to change the data into the ICC profile,
please change the create_sRGB_profile.
The library was downloaded from:
on 2007-08-23.
The library was downloaded from [http://sampleicc.sourceforge.net] on 2007-08-23.
For information on ICC profiles, you may want to visit:
Notes for porters
the endianess and other platform specific configuration
== Notes for porters ==
Ehe endianess and other platform specific configuration
are in:
The patchs:
SampleICC-1.3.2.patch tweaks the build to use the endianness
detected in sal.
From [http://libwpd.sourceforge.net/]. Not modified. WordPerfect filter - SAX api - emits callbacks when things happen.
From [http://libwpg.sourceforge.net/]. WordPerfect graphics filter.
Microsoft Works file word processor format import library from [http://libwps.sourceforge.net/].
XML signing, etc. From [http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/]. Heavily patched.
The XML Security library has been modified, so that there is NO verification of
the certificate during sign or verification operation. On Windows this was done
in the function xmlSecMSCryptoX509StoreVerify (file src/mscrypto/x509vfy.c) and
A mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver from [http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/].
From [http://lucene.apache.org/]. (CH: What of it is used for what ???)
Multi-dimensional data structure (mdds) library, available from [http://code.google.com/p/multidimalgorithm/].
From [http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/Connector_C%2B%2B]
Library for handling thesaurus files from [http://hunspell.sourceforge.net].
Netscape Plugin SDK. Header to build Mozilla plugins.
Open Source toolkit implementing SSL and TLS.
From [http://www.openssl.org/].
SSL = Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) protocol.
TLS = Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocol.
Redland RDF library (librdf)
Redland RDF library (librdf) from [http://librdf.org/]
Module: external/redland
== License ==
Triple-licensed: LGPL v2+/GPL v2+/Apache v2
Note that Sun distributes this software only under LGPL v2
Upstream URL: http://librdf.org/
License: Triple-licensed: LGPL v2+/GPL v2+/Apache v2
Note that Sun distributes this software only under LGPL v2
(see LICENSE.txt)
== Description ==
This module contains the third-party Redland RDF / librdf library, which
is needed to support data in RDF (Resource Description Framework) format.
It consists of 3 parts:
......@@ -19,9 +16,10 @@ It consists of 3 parts:
Libraries: libraptor, librasqal, librdf
== Patches ==
There are several patches, most of which contain only hacks to get it to
build with OOo build system.
There used to be also 3 patches here that fix bugs in redland and ought to be
of general interest:
- redland-1.0.8.patch.free_null:
......@@ -32,6 +30,7 @@ of general interest:
- redland-1.0.8.patch.storage_hashes_list_duplicates:
hashes, list storage: if contexts are enabled, then it is possible to add
duplicate statements
Attempts to upstream these patches failed for reasons upstream kept to
themselves. Now these patches are replaced with workarounds in unoxml.
Note to future maintainers: work around redland bugs in client code.
The Scripting Framework makes use of the Rhino (http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/)
JavaScript engine/interpreter written in Java, used to provide JavaScript extensions.
The Scripting Framework makes use of the Rhino ([http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/])
JavaScript interpreter, available under the Mozilla Public License
In addition, to support the debugging of scripts contained in OpenOffice.org
documents, we have modified the Java source file Main.java.
Scanner library from [http://www.sane-project.org/]
Windows scanner support.
Library and API with which to access Data Sources from [http://www.unixodbc.org/]
Computer vision library in C++ from [http://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/vigra/].
Headers for XRender support
Date: 2009-02-19
XSLT MathML Library from [http://xsltml.sourceforge.net/].
This project is used in the Wiki filter that is installed
with the WikiPublisher extension. The extension is built
......@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ related files that are used by the filter to transform
embedded formula objects into media wiki format.
The archive was downloaded from:
on 2009-02-16.
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