Kaydet (Commit) da7ed970 authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

use prebuilt opens___.ttf in oss-fuzz configuration

Change-Id: I4bbea7e1af34bd5c30e3830ecb58af2b6a3a09d4
üst 682b6743
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ for a in *fuzzer; do
#some minimal fonts required
cp $a $OUT
mkdir -p $OUT/$a.fonts
cp ../share/fonts/truetype/opens___.ttf ../share/fonts/truetype/Liberation* $OUT/$a.fonts
cp $SRC/49a64f3bcf20a7909ba2751349231d6652ded9cd2840e961b5164d09de3ffa63-opens___.ttf ../share/fonts/truetype/Liberation* $OUT/$a.fonts
#minimal runtime requirements
cp templateservices.rdb $OUT/$a.services.rdb
cp types.rdb $OUT/$a.types.rdb
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