Kaydet (Commit) d76bd987 authored tarafından Khaled Hosny's avatar Khaled Hosny

Do not check for SAL_NO_COMMON_LAYOUT any more

It has no effect except on Windows, and this will go out soon.

Change-Id: I238518624e3288dea259e5ec9d5d76c8f691fd8c
üst e17302a1
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN - use a VCL plugin
SAL_NO_NWF - disable native widgets
SAL_FORCEDPI - force a specific DPI (gtk & gtk3 plugins only)
SAL_FORCE_HC - force high-contrast mode
SAL_NO_COMMON_LAYOUT - disable CommonSalLayout layout engine for text layout
VCL_DOUBLEBUFFERING_AVOID_PAINT - don't paint the buffer, useful to see where we do direct painting
VCL_DOUBLEBUFFERING_FORCE_ENABLE - enable double buffered painting
......@@ -772,8 +772,7 @@ bool SalLayout::IsSpacingGlyph( sal_GlyphId nGlyph )
bool SalLayout::UseCommonLayout()
static bool bUse = getenv("SAL_NO_COMMON_LAYOUT") == nullptr;
return bUse;
return true;
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