Kaydet (Commit) d1de2675 authored tarafından Kohei Yoshida's avatar Kohei Yoshida

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Change-Id: I929323151668561fdcc9d5fe3708e74b86290721
üst 624ec199
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The filter consumes/produces via SAX UNO API interface (implemented in
applications, for example [git:sw/source/filter/xml].
There is a central list of all element or attribute names in
include/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx. The main class of the import filter
[git:include/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx]. The main class of the import filter
is SvXMLImport, and of the export filter SvXMLExport.
The Import filter maintains a stack of contexts for each element being
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