Kaydet (Commit) d1006596 authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

Update library names for DISABLE_DYNLOADING

Change-Id: I2b5e4abdceea25180c9caafabc49c22077016a05
üst 89372ae7
......@@ -460,6 +460,7 @@ extern "C"
extern void * filterconfig1_component_getFactory( const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager, void * pRegistryKey );
extern void * fwk_component_getFactory( const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager, void * pRegistryKey );
extern void * introspection_component_getFactory( const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager, void * pRegistryKey );
extern void * localebe1_component_getFactory( const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager, void * pRegistryKey );
extern void * package2_component_getFactory( const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager, void * pRegistryKey );
extern void * reflection_component_getFactory( const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager, void * pRegistryKey );
extern void * sfx_component_getFactory( const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager, void * pRegistryKey );
......@@ -532,18 +533,26 @@ Reference< XInterface > SAL_CALL loadSharedLibComponentFactory(
// First test library names that aren't app-specific.
static lib_to_component_mapping non_app_specific_map[] = {
// Sigh, the name under which the bootstrap component is looked for
// varies a lot? Or then I just have been confused by some mixed-up
// incremental build.
{ "bootstrap.uno" SAL_DLLEXTENSION, bootstrap_component_getFactory },
{ "bootstrap.uno.a", bootstrap_component_getFactory },
{ "configmgr.uno.a", configmgr_component_getFactory },
{ "i18npool.uno.a", i18npool_component_getFactory },
{ "introspection.uno.a", introspection_component_getFactory },
{ "libbootstrap.uno.a", bootstrap_component_getFactory },
// The rest seems to consistently have a "lib" prefix now
{ "libconfigmgr.uno.a", configmgr_component_getFactory },
{ "libcomphelp" CPPU_STRINGIFY(CPPU_ENV) ".a", comphelp_component_getFactory },
{ "libexpwrap.uno.a", expwrap_component_getFactory },
{ "libfastsax.uno.a", fastsax_component_getFactory },
{ "libfilterconfiglo.a", filterconfig1_component_getFactory },
{ "libfwklo.a", fwk_component_getFactory },
{ "libi18npool.uno.a", i18npool_component_getFactory },
{ "libintrospection.uno.a", introspection_component_getFactory },
{ "liblocalebe1.uno.a", localebe1_component_getFactory },
{ "libpackage2.a", package2_component_getFactory },
{ "libreflection.uno.a", reflection_component_getFactory },
{ "libsfxlo.a", sfx_component_getFactory },
{ "libstocservices.uno.a", stocservices_component_getFactory },
{ "libsvllo.a", svl_component_getFactory },
{ "libtklo.a", tk_component_getFactory },
{ "libucb1.a", ucb_component_getFactory },
......@@ -551,8 +560,6 @@ Reference< XInterface > SAL_CALL loadSharedLibComponentFactory(
{ "libutllo.a", utl_component_getFactory },
{ "libvcllo.a", vcl_component_getFactory },
{ "libxstor.a", xstor_component_getFactory },
{ "reflection.uno.a", reflection_component_getFactory },
{ "stocservices.uno.a", stocservices_component_getFactory },
for (int i = 0; pSym == NULL && non_app_specific_map[i].lib != NULL; ++i)
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