Kaydet (Commit) cc24e7eb authored tarafından Adam Mróz's avatar Adam Mróz Kaydeden (comit) Caolán McNamara

Fixes for kdevelop IDE integration

Script bin/gbuild-to-ide is parsing messages basing on regular

First problem appears when used language is not English - that's why
setting LC_MESSAGES variable in Makefile.

Second problem appears with quote symbol. For me (Archlinux) script was
not working. After some investigation I found out that reason was that
my output from make included ' symbol when regular expression assumed
that it should be `. That's why using [\'`].


recipe to execute (from '/home/sadam/libreoffice/core/idlc/Executable_idlc.mk', line 28):


Change-Id: I0083c69820bd58ce2ac296f21985408c69840639
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/7979Tested-by: 's avatarCaolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarCaolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>
üst e79c381f
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ dump-deps-png:
define gb_Top_GbuildToIdeIntegration
cd $(SRCDIR) && ($(GNUMAKE) cmd="$(GNUMAKE) -npf Makefile.gbuild all" cmd || true) | $(SRCDIR)/bin/gbuild-to-ide --ide $(1)
cd $(SRCDIR) && (LC_MESSAGES=C $(GNUMAKE) cmd="$(GNUMAKE) -npf Makefile.gbuild all" cmd || true) | $(SRCDIR)/bin/gbuild-to-ide --ide $(1)
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class GbuildParser:
builddirpattern = re.compile('^BUILDDIR = (.*)')
instdirpattern = re.compile('^INSTDIR = (.*)')
binpathpattern = re.compile('LS = (.*)ls(.exe)?')
libpattern = re.compile('# [a-z]+ to execute \(from `(.*)/Library_(.*)\.mk\', line [0-9]*\):')
exepattern = re.compile('# [a-z]+ to execute \(from `(.*)/Executable_(.*)\.mk\', line [0-9]*\):')
libpattern = re.compile('# [a-z]+ to execute \(from [\'`](.*)/Library_(.*)\.mk\', line [0-9]*\):')
exepattern = re.compile('# [a-z]+ to execute \(from [\'`](.*)/Executable_(.*)\.mk\', line [0-9]*\):')
includepattern = re.compile('# INCLUDE := (.*)')
defspattern = re.compile('# DEFS := (.*)')
cxxpattern = re.compile('# CXXOBJECTS := (.*)')
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