Kaydet (Commit) c9a27eb9 authored tarafından Stephan Bergmann's avatar Stephan Bergmann

Work around premature disposing of PackageRegistryBackends

With ucbhelper::Content now requiring an XComponentContext during construction,
calling "unopkg add" with an .oxt that requires license acceptance would lead to
an assertion about a null XComponentContext, as doChecksForAddExtension calls
the XPackage's checkPrerequisites -> checkLicnese -> getTextFromURL, which
creates an ucbhelper::Content with getMyBackend()->getComponentContext(), but
early release of the "tmp" manager would already have caused disposing of that
backend, which clears m_xComponentContext.

I assume this problem had always been lurking silently in the code.

Change-Id: I9f59c612fe3831b2f6dd832ef2f0505b6590b8e0
üst 89e875b5
......@@ -655,8 +655,22 @@ Reference<deploy::XPackage> ExtensionManager::addExtension(
//would remove the first one.
::osl::MutexGuard addGuard(m_addMutex);
Reference<deploy::XPackage> xTmpExtension =
getTempExtension(url, xAbortChannel, xCmdEnv);
Reference<deploy::XPackageManager> xTmpRepository(getTmpRepository());
// make sure xTmpRepository is alive as long as xTmpExtension is; as
// the "tmp" manager is only held weakly by m_xPackageManagerFactory, it
// could otherwise be disposed early, which would in turn dispose
// xTmpExtension's PackageRegistryBackend behind its back
Reference<deploy::XPackage> xTmpExtension(
url, uno::Sequence<beans::NamedValue>(), OUString(), xAbortChannel,
new TmpRepositoryCommandEnv()));
if (!xTmpExtension.is()) {
throw deploy::DeploymentException(
("Extension Manager: Failed to create temporary XPackage for url: "
+ url),
static_cast<OWeakObject*>(this), uno::Any());
//Make sure the extension is removed from the tmp repository in case
//of an exception
ExtensionRemoveGuard tmpExtensionRemoveGuard(xTmpExtension, getTmpRepository());
......@@ -1404,25 +1418,6 @@ void ExtensionManager::checkUpdate(
static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), request );
Reference<deploy::XPackage> ExtensionManager::getTempExtension(
OUString const & url,
Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const & xAbortChannel,
Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & /*xCmdEnv*/)
Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment> tmpCmdEnvA(new TmpRepositoryCommandEnv());
Reference<deploy::XPackage> xTmpPackage = getTmpRepository()->addPackage(
url, uno::Sequence<beans::NamedValue>(),OUString(), xAbortChannel, tmpCmdEnvA);
if (!xTmpPackage.is())
throw deploy::DeploymentException(
OUSTR("Extension Manager: Failed to create temporary XPackage for url: ") + url,
static_cast<OWeakObject*>(this), uno::Any());
return xTmpPackage;
uno::Sequence<Reference<deploy::XPackage> > SAL_CALL
OUString const & repository,
......@@ -280,11 +280,6 @@ private:
css::uno::Reference<css::deployment::XPackage> const & oldExtension,
css::uno::Reference<css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv);
css::uno::Reference<css::deployment::XPackage> getTempExtension(
::rtl::OUString const & url,
css::uno::Reference<css::task::XAbortChannel> const & xAbortChannel,
css::uno::Reference<css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv);
void addExtensionsToMap(
id2extensions & mapExt,
css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Reference<css::deployment::XPackage> > const & seqExt,
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