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librelogo UI fixes, gradients, log10, improved random colors

Change-Id: I7ef59f9ce589ab0d68b02c1b2ba61c061f9c51ae
üst 8c52b5dd
2014-03-18 László Németh:
* Start icon inserts and starts a simple localized demo program in an empty
document (UI fix for the missing feedback)
* LOG10 function
* PENTRANSPARENCY, FILLTRANSPARENCY: set transparency of the actual color:
- PENTRANSPARENCY 50 ; 50% transparency of the lines
- FILLTRANSPARENCY 20 ; 20% transparency of the areas
* fill gradient support
- FILLCOLOR ['red', 'blue'] ; gradient between red and blue
- FILLCOLOR [[255, 255, 255], [255, 128, 0]] ; between white and orange
- FILLCOLOR ['red', 'blue', 0, 90, 20] ; linear, 90deg gradient with 20% border
- FILLCOLOR ['red', 'blue', 0, 90, 20, 0, 0, 200, 50] ; from 200% to 50% intensity
- FILLCOLOR ['red', 'blue', 2, 0, 0, 50, 50] ; radial, with 50-50% x, y (centre)
* transparency gradient support (similar settings, without intensity values)
- FILLTRANSPARENCY [75] ; linear gradient from 75% to 0% transparency
- FILLTRANSPARENCY [75, 25] ; linear gradient from 75% to 25% transparency
- FILLTRANSPARENCY [75, 25, 2, 0, 20, 50, 50] ; radial with 20% border, 50-50% x, y
* normalized random colors for the visible spectrum (check FILLCOLOR ANY)
* magic icon sets also page zoom + page break for 2-page program editing
* fix multiple document handling using OfficeDocument.RuntimeUID
instead of Document.Title:
- "Saving as" doesn't create a new turtle
- use current doc. instead of old ones (eg. new Untitled 1 instead of the renamed one)
* change icon order: magic icon before input bar for better undocked Logo
toolbar (two-line, instead of three-line), suggested by Gilvan Vilarim
* keep turtle selection instead of the bad text selection at the end of the run
* support capitalized color names in the translations (fix Slovak translation)
2014-02-04 László Németh:
* avoid to translate comments: http://bug.openscope.org/browse/OOO-837,
reported by Levente Kovács
2014-01-07 László Németh:
* fix messagebox (API changes)
2014-01-01 László Németh:
* path, interop. and color name fixes
2013-10-28: László Németh
* fix parsing problem of functions
* fix Logo program halt at font settings (Windows)
* fix division with measurements
2013-10-24 László Németh:
* synchronize Writer/Draw when saving cropped SVG to avoid program halt,
huge sleeps (the workaround) have been removed
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ DOTTED=dotted
......@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ INT=int
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
<node oor:name="m10" oor:op="replace">
<node oor:name="m08b" oor:op="replace">
<prop oor:name="Context" oor:type="xs:string">
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