Kaydet (Commit) b8f3214f authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

Don't require configure to appear executable

Makes autogen.sh work on Cygwin when the build directory is on a
vmware Shared Folder volume.
üst a1c05acd
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ $ENV{AUTOMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS} = '--warnings=no-portability' if (!($system eq 'Darwi
system ("$aclocal $aclocal_flags") && die "Failed to run aclocal";
unlink ("configure");
system ("autoconf") && die "Failed to run autoconf";
die "failed to generate configure" if (! -x "configure");
die "failed to generate configure" if (! -f "configure");
if (defined $ENV{NOCONFIGURE}) {
print "Skipping configure process.";
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