Kaydet (Commit) b7b62d4a authored tarafından Marco Cecchetti's avatar Marco Cecchetti

gtktiledviewer - Calc fix: selection handlers were not removed

Change-Id: I2b4ad4dbf281458d0994eff176a2f62e20fb603b
üst 1013587c
......@@ -1054,6 +1054,9 @@ payloadToRectangles(LOKDocView* pDocView, const char* pPayload)
std::vector<GdkRectangle> aRet;
if (g_strcmp0(pPayload, "EMPTY") == 0)
return aRet;
gchar** ppRectangles = g_strsplit(pPayload, "; ", 0);
for (gchar** ppRectangle = ppRectangles; *ppRectangle; ++ppRectangle)
aRet.push_back(payloadToRectangle(pDocView, *ppRectangle));
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