Kaydet (Commit) b4fda7b3 authored tarafından Noel Grandin's avatar Noel Grandin

new loplugin:constantparam

finds parameters that are only ever being called with a single value

Change-Id: Ibd0c9b6e6dbc1d1b5d5a005eaa19959560a6e50f
üst c0bd26d7
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "plugin.hxx"
#include "compat.hxx"
Find methods with default params, where the callers never specify the default param i.e.
might as well remove it.
The process goes something like this:
$ make check
$ make FORCE_COMPILE_ALL=1 COMPILER_PLUGIN_TOOL='unuseddefaultparams' check
$ ./compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.py unuseddefaultparams.log
namespace {
struct MyCallSiteInfo
std::string returnType;
std::string nameAndParams;
std::string paramName;
std::string callValue;
std::string sourceLocation;
bool operator < (const MyCallSiteInfo &lhs, const MyCallSiteInfo &rhs)
if (lhs.sourceLocation < rhs.sourceLocation)
return true;
else if (lhs.sourceLocation > rhs.sourceLocation)
return false;
else return lhs.callValue < rhs.callValue;
// try to limit the voluminous output a little
static std::set<MyCallSiteInfo> callSet;
class ConstantParam:
public RecursiveASTVisitor<ConstantParam>, public loplugin::Plugin
explicit ConstantParam(InstantiationData const & data): Plugin(data) {}
virtual void run() override
// dump all our output in one write call - this is to try and limit IO "crosstalk" between multiple processes
// writing to the same logfile
std::string output;
for (const MyCallSiteInfo & s : callSet)
output += s.returnType + "\t" + s.nameAndParams + "\t" + s.sourceLocation + "\t"
+ s.paramName + "\t" + s.callValue + "\n";
ofstream myfile;
myfile.open( SRCDIR "/constantparam.log", ios::app | ios::out);
myfile << output;
bool shouldVisitTemplateInstantiations () const { return true; }
bool VisitCallExpr(CallExpr * callExpr);
bool VisitDeclRefExpr( const DeclRefExpr* declRefExpr );
MyCallSiteInfo niceName(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl, const ParmVarDecl* parmVarDecl, const std::string& callValue);
MyCallSiteInfo ConstantParam::niceName(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl, const ParmVarDecl* parmVarDecl, const std::string& callValue)
if (functionDecl->getInstantiatedFromMemberFunction())
functionDecl = functionDecl->getInstantiatedFromMemberFunction();
else if (functionDecl->getClassScopeSpecializationPattern())
functionDecl = functionDecl->getClassScopeSpecializationPattern();
// workaround clang-3.5 issue
#if CLANG_VERSION >= 30600
else if (functionDecl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern())
functionDecl = functionDecl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern();
MyCallSiteInfo aInfo;
aInfo.returnType = compat::getReturnType(*functionDecl).getCanonicalType().getAsString();
if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl)) {
const CXXRecordDecl* recordDecl = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl)->getParent();
aInfo.nameAndParams += recordDecl->getQualifiedNameAsString();
aInfo.nameAndParams += "::";
aInfo.nameAndParams += functionDecl->getNameAsString() + "(";
bool bFirst = true;
for (const ParmVarDecl *pParmVarDecl : functionDecl->params()) {
if (bFirst)
bFirst = false;
aInfo.nameAndParams += ",";
aInfo.nameAndParams += pParmVarDecl->getType().getCanonicalType().getAsString();
aInfo.nameAndParams += ")";
if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl) && dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl)->isConst()) {
aInfo.nameAndParams += " const";
aInfo.paramName = parmVarDecl->getName();
aInfo.callValue = callValue;
SourceLocation expansionLoc = compiler.getSourceManager().getExpansionLoc( functionDecl->getLocation() );
StringRef name = compiler.getSourceManager().getFilename(expansionLoc);
aInfo.sourceLocation = std::string(name.substr(strlen(SRCDIR)+1)) + ":" + std::to_string(compiler.getSourceManager().getSpellingLineNumber(expansionLoc));
return aInfo;
bool ConstantParam::VisitCallExpr(CallExpr * callExpr) {
if (ignoreLocation(callExpr)) {
return true;
const FunctionDecl* functionDecl;
if (isa<CXXMemberCallExpr>(callExpr)) {
functionDecl = dyn_cast<CXXMemberCallExpr>(callExpr)->getMethodDecl();
else {
functionDecl = callExpr->getDirectCallee();
if (functionDecl == nullptr) {
return true;
functionDecl = functionDecl->getCanonicalDecl();
// method overrides don't always specify the same default params (althogh they probably should)
// so we need to work our way up to the root method
while (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl)) {
const CXXMethodDecl* methodDecl = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl);
if (methodDecl->size_overridden_methods()==0)
functionDecl = *methodDecl->begin_overridden_methods();
// work our way back to the root definition for template methods
if (functionDecl->getInstantiatedFromMemberFunction())
functionDecl = functionDecl->getInstantiatedFromMemberFunction();
else if (functionDecl->getClassScopeSpecializationPattern())
functionDecl = functionDecl->getClassScopeSpecializationPattern();
// workaround clang-3.5 issue
#if CLANG_VERSION >= 30600
else if (functionDecl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern())
functionDecl = functionDecl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern();
// ignore stuff that forms part of the stable URE interface
if (isInUnoIncludeFile(compiler.getSourceManager().getSpellingLoc(
functionDecl->getNameInfo().getLoc()))) {
return true;
if (functionDecl->getNameInfo().getLoc().isValid() && ignoreLocation(functionDecl)) {
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < callExpr->getNumArgs(); ++i) {
if (i >= functionDecl->getNumParams()) // can happen in template code
Expr* arg = callExpr->getArg(i);
bool found = false;
std::string callValue;
// ignore this, it seems to trigger an infinite recursion
if (isa<UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr>(arg->IgnoreParenCasts())) {
found = true;
callValue = "unknown";
if (!found)
APSInt x1;
if (arg->EvaluateAsInt(x1, compiler.getASTContext()))
found = true;
callValue = x1.toString(10);
if (!found)
callValue = "unknown";
const ParmVarDecl* parmVarDecl = functionDecl->getParamDecl(i);
MyCallSiteInfo funcInfo = niceName(functionDecl, parmVarDecl, callValue);
return true;
// this catches places that take the address of a method
bool ConstantParam::VisitDeclRefExpr( const DeclRefExpr* declRefExpr )
const Decl* functionDecl = declRefExpr->getDecl();
if (!isa<FunctionDecl>(functionDecl)) {
return true;
// MyCallSiteInfo funcInfo = niceName(dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(functionDecl));
// callSet.insert(funcInfo);
return true;
loplugin::Plugin::Registration< ConstantParam > X("constantparam", false);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
import sys
import re
import io
definitionSet = set()
definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict()
callParamSet = dict()
# things we need to exclude for reasons like :
# - it's a weird template thingy that confuses the plugin
exclusionSet = set([
# clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates
# so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly.
normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+")
def normalizeTypeParams( line ):
return normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line)
# The parsing here is designed to avoid grabbing stuff which is mixed in from gbuild.
# I have not yet found a way of suppressing the gbuild output.
with io.open(sys.argv[1], "rb", buffering=1024*1024) as txt:
for line in txt:
idx1 = line.find("\t")
idx2 = line.find("\t",idx1+1)
idx3 = line.find("\t",idx2+1)
idx4 = line.find("\t",idx3+1)
returnType = line[:idx1]
nameAndParams = line[idx1+1:idx2]
sourceLocation = line[idx2+1:idx3]
paramName = line[idx3+1:idx4]
callValue = line[idx4+1:].strip()
callInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams), paramName)
if callInfo in callParamSet:
callParamSet[callInfo] = set([callValue])
definitionToSourceLocationMap[callInfo] = sourceLocation
tmp1set = set()
for callInfo, callValues in callParamSet.iteritems():
if len(callValues) == 1 and "unknown" not in callValues and ("0" in callValues or "1" in callValues or "nullptr" in callValues):
v1 = (" ".join(callInfo)) + " " + (",".join(callValues))
v2 = definitionToSourceLocationMap[callInfo]
# sort results by name and line number
def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
for text in re.split(_nsre, s)]
tmp1list = sorted(tmp1set, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
# print out the results
with open("unused.constantparams", "wt") as f:
for t in tmp1list:
f.write(t[1] + "\n")
f.write(" " + t[0] + "\n")
...@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ URLParameter::URLParameter( const OUString& aURL, ...@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ URLParameter::URLParameter( const OUString& aURL,
: m_pDatabases( pDatabases ), : m_pDatabases( pDatabases ),
m_aURL( aURL ) m_aURL( aURL )
{ {
init( false ); init();
parse(); parse();
} }
...@@ -196,10 +196,8 @@ OUString URLParameter::get_program() ...@@ -196,10 +196,8 @@ OUString URLParameter::get_program()
} }
void URLParameter::init( bool bDefaultLanguageIsInitialized ) void URLParameter::init()
{ {
m_bHelpDataFileRead = false; m_bHelpDataFileRead = false;
m_bStart = false; m_bStart = false;
m_bUseDB = true; m_bUseDB = true;
...@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ namespace chelp { ...@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ namespace chelp {
// private methods // private methods
void init( bool bDefaultLanguageIsInitialized ); void init();
OUString get_the_tag(); OUString get_the_tag();
...@@ -855,7 +855,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::markElementMarkBuffer(sal_Int32 nId) ...@@ -855,7 +855,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::markElementMarkBuffer(sal_Int32 nId)
} }
sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector( sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector(
sal_Int32 nSecurityId,
cssxc::sax::ElementMarkPriority nPriority, cssxc::sax::ElementMarkPriority nPriority,
bool bModifyElement, bool bModifyElement,
const cssu::Reference< cssxc::sax::XReferenceResolvedListener >& xReferenceResolvedListener) const cssu::Reference< cssxc::sax::XReferenceResolvedListener >& xReferenceResolvedListener)
...@@ -875,7 +874,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector( ...@@ -875,7 +874,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector(
* Add the new created ElementCollector to the new ElementCollecotor list. * Add the new created ElementCollector to the new ElementCollecotor list.
* *
* nSecurityId - the security Id of the new ElementCollector
* nPriority - the priority of the new ElementCollector * nPriority - the priority of the new ElementCollector
* bModifyElement -whether this BufferNode will modify the content of * bModifyElement -whether this BufferNode will modify the content of
* the corresponding element it works on * the corresponding element it works on
...@@ -894,7 +892,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector( ...@@ -894,7 +892,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector(
ElementCollector* pElementCollector ElementCollector* pElementCollector
= new ElementCollector( = new ElementCollector(
nSecurityId, cssxc::sax::ConstOfSecurityId::UNDEFINEDSECURITYID,
nId, nId,
nPriority, nPriority,
bModifyElement, bModifyElement,
...@@ -911,7 +909,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector( ...@@ -911,7 +909,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector(
} }
sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createBlocker(sal_Int32 nSecurityId) sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createBlocker()
/****** SAXEventKeeperImpl/createBlocker ************************************* /****** SAXEventKeeperImpl/createBlocker *************************************
* *
...@@ -923,9 +921,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createBlocker(sal_Int32 nSecurityId) ...@@ -923,9 +921,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createBlocker(sal_Int32 nSecurityId)
* see NAME. * see NAME.
* *
* nSecurityId - the security Id of the new Blocker
* nId - the Id of the new Blocker * nId - the Id of the new Blocker
* *
...@@ -939,7 +934,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createBlocker(sal_Int32 nSecurityId) ...@@ -939,7 +934,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createBlocker(sal_Int32 nSecurityId)
OSL_ASSERT(m_pNewBlocker == nullptr); OSL_ASSERT(m_pNewBlocker == nullptr);
m_pNewBlocker = new ElementMark(nSecurityId, nId); m_pNewBlocker = new ElementMark(cssxc::sax::ConstOfSecurityId::UNDEFINEDSECURITYID, nId);
m_vElementMarkBuffers.push_back( m_pNewBlocker ); m_vElementMarkBuffers.push_back( m_pNewBlocker );
return nId; return nId;
...@@ -950,7 +945,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::addElementCollector( ) ...@@ -950,7 +945,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::addElementCollector( )
throw (cssu::RuntimeException, std::exception) throw (cssu::RuntimeException, std::exception)
{ {
return createElementCollector( return createElementCollector(
cssxc::sax::ElementMarkPriority_AFTERMODIFY, cssxc::sax::ElementMarkPriority_AFTERMODIFY,
false, false,
nullptr); nullptr);
...@@ -965,7 +959,7 @@ void SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::removeElementCollector( sal_Int32 id ) ...@@ -965,7 +959,7 @@ void SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::removeElementCollector( sal_Int32 id )
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::addBlocker( ) sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::addBlocker( )
throw (cssu::RuntimeException, std::exception) throw (cssu::RuntimeException, std::exception)
{ {
return createBlocker(cssxc::sax::ConstOfSecurityId::UNDEFINEDSECURITYID); return createBlocker();
} }
void SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::removeBlocker( sal_Int32 id ) void SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::removeBlocker( sal_Int32 id )
...@@ -1071,7 +1065,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::addSecurityElementCollector( ...@@ -1071,7 +1065,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SAXEventKeeperImpl::addSecurityElementCollector(
throw (cssu::RuntimeException, std::exception) throw (cssu::RuntimeException, std::exception)
{ {
return createElementCollector( return createElementCollector(
priority, priority,
modifyElement, modifyElement,
nullptr); nullptr);
...@@ -213,14 +213,13 @@ private: ...@@ -213,14 +213,13 @@ private:
void markElementMarkBuffer(sal_Int32 nId); void markElementMarkBuffer(sal_Int32 nId);
sal_Int32 createElementCollector( sal_Int32 createElementCollector(
sal_Int32 nSecurityId,
com::sun::star::xml::crypto::sax::ElementMarkPriority nPriority, com::sun::star::xml::crypto::sax::ElementMarkPriority nPriority,
bool bModifyElement, bool bModifyElement,
const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
com::sun::star::xml::crypto::sax::XReferenceResolvedListener>& com::sun::star::xml::crypto::sax::XReferenceResolvedListener>&
xReferenceResolvedListener); xReferenceResolvedListener);
sal_Int32 createBlocker(sal_Int32 nSecurityId); sal_Int32 createBlocker();
public: public:
SAXEventKeeperImpl(); SAXEventKeeperImpl();
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