Kaydet (Commit) b21f2439 authored tarafından Juergen Funk's avatar Juergen Funk Kaydeden (comit) Stephan Bergmann

fdo#86745 - Possible exception/segfault in jurt jpipe.dll under Windows ...

- Remove the LoadLibrary from DLLMain (from windows not recommended)
   see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682583(v=vs.85).aspx
   in section Remarks
- Improve the comment why we need two dll's (jpipe.dll and jpipx.dll)
- Integrate CriticalSection, init in DllMain see link

Signed-off-by: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>: removed the unsafe module
== NULL check around the critical section in getFunction

Change-Id: I6d5f655a4942437f6dc722236f6c371063e2c407
üst 86b44e8e
......@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@
#include "osl/security.h"
#include <osl/pipe.h>
/* On Windows, jpipe.dll must not have dependencies on any other URE DLLs, as
Java System.LoadLibrary could otherwise not load it. Therefore, on Windows,
this code goes into a jpipx.dll that the jpipe.dll wrapper loads with
LoadLibraryEx(LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH). The function names in this
wrapped code are truncated from the long JNICALL names, as JNICALL causes
some "@N" with different numeric values for N (and probably different across
32 and 64 bit) to be added to the symbol names, which the calls to
GetProcAddress in wrapper/wrapper.c would otheriwse have to take into
/* On Windows, jpipe.dll must not have static dependencies on any other URE DLLs
(sal3.dll, uwinapi.dll), as Java System.LoadLibrary could otherwise not load
it. Therefore, on Windows, this code goes into a jpipx.dll that the jpipe.dll
wrapper loads with LoadLibraryEx(LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH).
The function names in this wrapped code are truncated from the long JNICALL
names, as JNICALL causes some "@N" with different numeric values for
N (and probably different across 32 and 64 bit) to be added to the symbol
names, which the calls to GetProcAddress in wrapper/wrapper.c would otherwise
have to take into account.
......@@ -26,27 +26,50 @@
#include "jni.h"
#include "sal/types.h"
static HMODULE module;
static FARPROC getFunction(char const * name) {
static HMODULE module = NULL;
static CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection;
void InitWrapper(void) {
#define MAXPATH 512
wchar_t path[MAXPATH];
DWORD size;
size = GetModuleFileNameW(hInstDLL, path, MAXPATH);
if (size == 0) {
path[size - 5] = L'x'; /* ...\jpipe.dll -> ...\jpipx.dll */
module = LoadLibraryExW(path, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);
if (module == NULL) {
static FARPROC getFunction(char const * name)
if(module == NULL)
return GetProcAddress(module, name);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) {
(void) lpvReserved;
if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
wchar_t path[32767];
DWORD size;
size = GetModuleFileNameW(hinstDLL, path, 32767);
if (size == 0) {
return FALSE;
path[size - 5] = L'x'; /* ...\jpipe.dll -> ...\jpipx.dll */
module = LoadLibraryExW(path, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);
if (module == NULL) {
return FALSE;
if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
hInstDLL = hinstDLL;
return TRUE;
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