Kaydet (Commit) b086fd99 authored tarafından Eike Rathke's avatar Eike Rathke

approxEqual: check isFinite()

Necessary as all comparisons involving a Nan evaluate to false and the
assert() in isRepresentableInteger() was hit by crash test documents
where approxEqual() was called with a least one Nan.

Change-Id: I9e8f41c36c0cf14cabf47c3df773c601d32682d6
üst 042a7fc2
......@@ -1095,6 +1095,8 @@ bool SAL_CALL rtl_math_approxEqual(double a, double b) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C()
if (a == 0.0 || b == 0.0)
return false;
const double d = fabs(a - b);
if (!rtl::math::isFinite(d))
return false; // Nan or Inf involved
if (d > ((a = fabs(a)) * e44) || d > ((b = fabs(b)) * e44))
return false;
if (isRepresentableInteger(d) && isRepresentableInteger(a) && isRepresentableInteger(b))
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