Kaydet (Commit) ade1d4c3 authored tarafından Michael Stahl's avatar Michael Stahl

tdf#105009 sw: fix a11y crash when removing drawing object

SwFrame::RemoveDrawObj() calls SwAnchoredObject::ChgAnchorFrame(0)
so the SwAnchoredDrawObj has no anchor frame later when
SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateCursorPosition() asks for the parent.

(regression from 76c549eb)

Change-Id: Id55cb5fc41a4e37e863498265d1565e1621d508e
üst 2f1cf691
......@@ -379,10 +379,14 @@ const SwFrame* SwAccessibleChild::GetParent( const bool bInPagePreview ) const
// In any other case the parent is the root frm
if( bInPagePreview )
pParent = pContact->GetAnchorFrame()->FindPageFrame();
pParent = pContact->GetAnchorFrame()->getRootFrame();
SwFrame const*const pAnchor(pContact->GetAnchorFrame());
if (pAnchor) // null if object removed from layout
if (bInPagePreview)
pParent = pAnchor->FindPageFrame();
pParent = pAnchor->getRootFrame();
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