Kaydet (Commit) a5730bde authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

3rd party libs need to be listed more individually now, sigh

Change-Id: I604f681a43a209cb6951209e01be1bcc26cdc3c9
üst 6e8db06a
......@@ -73,9 +73,29 @@ clean: android_version_setup properties
# Build / link the single .so for this app
# Sigh, it's sad that now with solver dying we have to list the
# locations of each needed bundled 3rd-party lib like this. Maybe we
# really should try to make these experimental Android apps (and the
# iOS one) buildable with gbuild.
LIBS = \
-Wl,--start-group \
$(wildcard $(OUTDIR)/lib/lib*.a) \
$(wildcard $(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/lib*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/LinkTarget/StaticLibrary/lib*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/UnpackedTarball/libcdr/src/lib/.libs/*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/UnpackedTarball/libmspub/src/lib/.libs/*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/UnpackedTarball/libmwaw/src/lib/.libs/*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/UnpackedTarball/libodfgen/src/.libs/*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/*/.libs/*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/UnpackedTarball/libvisio/src/lib/.libs/*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/UnpackedTarball/libwp?/src/lib/.libs/*.a) \
$(wildcard $(WORKDIR)/UnpackedTarball/openssl/*.a) \
......@@ -88,7 +108,7 @@ WHOLELIBS = \
$(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so : $(wildcard $(OUTDIR)/lib/lib*.a) native-code.cxx
mkdir -p $(OBJLOCAL)
$(CXX) -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--version-script=../../Bootstrap/version.map -Wl,--no-keep-files-mapped -Wl,--no-undefined -DANDROID -DDISABLE_DYNLOADING -shared -o $(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so -I$(SRCDIR)/include -I$(OUTDIR)/inc native-code.cxx -L$(OUTDIR)/lib $(WHOLELIBS) $(LIBS) -lgnustl_static -landroid -ljnigraphics -llog -lz
$(CXX) -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--version-script=../../Bootstrap/version.map -Wl,--no-keep-files-mapped -Wl,--no-undefined -DANDROID -DDISABLE_DYNLOADING -shared -o $(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so -I$(SRCDIR)/include -I$(OUTDIR)/inc native-code.cxx -L$(OUTDIR)/lib -L$(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER) $(WHOLELIBS) $(LIBS) -lgnustl_static -landroid -ljnigraphics -llog -lz
$(SODEST)/liblo-native-code.so : $(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so
mkdir -p $(SODEST)
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