Kaydet (Commit) 9e669026 authored tarafından David Tardon's avatar David Tardon

allow adding more package files at once

üst 2e6bc9f6
......@@ -134,6 +134,12 @@ $(call gb_Jar_get_workdir,$(1))/$(strip $(2)) : $(3) $(call gb_JavaClassSet_get_
# gb_Jar_add_packagefiles jar target-dir file(s)
define gb_Jar_add_packagefiles
$(foreach file,$(3),$(call gb_Jar_add_packagefile,$(1),$(if $(strip $(2)),$(strip $(2))/)$(notdir $(file)),$(file)))
define gb_Jar_add_sourcefiles
$(foreach sourcefile,$(2),$(call gb_Jar_add_sourcefile,$(1),$(sourcefile)))
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