Kaydet (Commit) 9a8f125f authored tarafından Khaled Hosny's avatar Khaled Hosny

[harfbuzz] Support Unicode variation selectors

Change-Id: I8c56f45505327857613c39b28da3ae7cc3ad201c
üst 26ec39fc
......@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@ int ServerFont::ApplyGlyphTransform( int nGlyphFlags,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
int ServerFont::GetRawGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4 aChar ) const
int ServerFont::GetRawGlyphIndex(sal_UCS4 aChar, sal_UCS4 aVS) const
if( mpFontInfo->IsSymbolFont() )
......@@ -1216,18 +1216,27 @@ int ServerFont::GetRawGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4 aChar ) const
aChar = aChar*256 + (aTempArray[i] & 0xFF);
// cache glyph indexes in font info to share between different sizes
int nGlyphIndex = mpFontInfo->GetGlyphIndex( aChar );
if( nGlyphIndex < 0 )
int nGlyphIndex = 0;
// If asked, check first for variant glyph with the given Unicode variation
// selector. This is quite uncommon so we don't bother with caching here.
if (aVS)
nGlyphIndex = FT_Face_GetCharVariantIndex(maFaceFT, aChar, aVS);
if (nGlyphIndex == 0)
nGlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index( maFaceFT, aChar );
if( !nGlyphIndex)
// cache glyph indexes in font info to share between different sizes
nGlyphIndex = mpFontInfo->GetGlyphIndex( aChar );
if( nGlyphIndex < 0 )
// check if symbol aliasing helps
if( (aChar <= 0x00FF) && mpFontInfo->IsSymbolFont() )
nGlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index( maFaceFT, aChar | 0xF000 );
nGlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index( maFaceFT, aChar );
if( !nGlyphIndex)
// check if symbol aliasing helps
if( (aChar <= 0x00FF) && mpFontInfo->IsSymbolFont() )
nGlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index( maFaceFT, aChar | 0xF000 );
mpFontInfo->CacheGlyphIndex( aChar, nGlyphIndex );
mpFontInfo->CacheGlyphIndex( aChar, nGlyphIndex );
return nGlyphIndex;
......@@ -246,13 +246,7 @@ static hb_bool_t getFontGlyph(hb_font_t* /*font*/, void* pFontData,
void* /*pUserData*/)
ServerFont* pFont = (ServerFont*) pFontData;
*nGlyphIndex = 0;
if (vs)
*nGlyphIndex = pFont->GetRawGlyphIndex(ch /*, vs*/); // XXX handle variation selectors
if (*nGlyphIndex == 0)
*nGlyphIndex = pFont->GetRawGlyphIndex(ch);
*nGlyphIndex = pFont->GetRawGlyphIndex(ch, vs);
return *nGlyphIndex != 0;
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ public:
int GetGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4 ) const;
int GetRawGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4 ) const;
int GetRawGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4, sal_UCS4 = 0 ) const;
int FixupGlyphIndex( int nGlyphIndex, sal_UCS4 ) const;
bool GetGlyphOutline( int nGlyphIndex, ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& ) const;
bool GetAntialiasAdvice( void ) const;
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