Kaydet (Commit) 97278574 authored tarafından Michael Stahl's avatar Michael Stahl

configure: MSVC 2017 devenv.exe doesn't start properly

... from a DOS style 8.3 path, for whatever reason.  Special case DEVENV
variable so it uses long path.

Change-Id: I03bb20a8f35cd116edd33ec91178f9deddbc4257
üst 10aff290
......@@ -3451,10 +3451,13 @@ if test "$_os" = "WINNT"; then
# Find the version of devenv.exe
# MSVC 2017 devenv does not start properly from a DOS 8.3 path
DEVENV=$(cygpath -lm "$VC_PRODUCT_DIR/../Common7/IDE/devenv.exe")
if test ! -e "$DEVENV"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([No devenv.exe found, Visual Studio installation broken?])
# add quotes around it, this is an ugly hack for convenience
dnl ===========================================================
dnl Check for the corresponding mspdb*.dll
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