Kaydet (Commit) 8bfccd3a authored tarafından Chris Sherlock's avatar Chris Sherlock

vcl: Create accessor and mutator for font scaling in FontMetric

This is fragile code! There are actually *two* classes that do almost
precisely the same thing, they are:

- ImplFontMetric, and
- ImplFontMetricData

They both have much in common, including their class name, and even
most of their functionality. In fact, they both have common accessor
functions. When I look at the code, it looks like OutputDevice is
actually given an ImplFontMetricData object, which it then uses to
populate an ImplFontMetric object...

Basically, I'm going to merge these classes. To do so, I'm going to
do the following:

Step 1: Implement accessor functions for ImplFontMetric and FontMetric
        (then remove the friendship of this class to OutputDevice!)
Step 2: Write a unit test for each accessor function in ImplFontMetric
Step 3: Ensure that ImplFontMetric and ImplFontMetricData use some
        sort of smart pointer (probably an intrusive_ptr like I did
        ages ago with FontCharMap)
Step 4: Merge the two classes together once their class interfaces
        are the same and I am satisfied they do the same thing
Step 5: Find all instances of inefficient usage - for instance, I can
        do away with the code that copies the ImplFontMetricData
        attributes into an ImplFontMetric object.

Change-Id: I07c1cb848774b130fa2ca60b51da53e07754dd00
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/21399Reviewed-by: 's avatarChris Sherlock <chris.sherlock79@gmail.com>
Tested-by: 's avatarChris Sherlock <chris.sherlock79@gmail.com>
üst c71b5b4d
......@@ -52,9 +52,12 @@ public:
long GetExtLeading() const;
long GetLineHeight() const;
long GetSlant() const;
bool IsScalable() const;
bool IsFullstopCentered() const;
long GetBulletOffset() const;
void SetScalableFlag(bool);
FontMetric& operator=( const FontMetric& rMetric );
bool operator==( const FontMetric& rMetric ) const;
bool operator!=( const FontMetric& rMetric ) const
# -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_CppunitTest,vcl_fontmetric))
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_set_include,vcl_fontmetric,\
-I$(SRCDIR)/vcl/inc \
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_add_exception_objects,vcl_fontmetric, \
vcl/qa/cppunit/fontmetric \
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_externals,vcl_fontmetric,boost_headers))
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_libraries,vcl_fontmetric, \
comphelper \
cppu \
cppuhelper \
sal \
svt \
test \
tl \
tk \
unotest \
vcl \
$(gb_UWINAPI) \
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_api,vcl_fontmetric,\
udkapi \
offapi \
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_ure,vcl_fontmetric))
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_vcl,vcl_fontmetric))
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_components,vcl_fontmetric,\
configmgr/source/configmgr \
i18npool/util/i18npool \
ucb/source/core/ucb1 \
$(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_configuration,vcl_fontmetric))
# vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Module_add_check_targets,vcl,\
CppunitTest_vcl_lifecycle \
CppunitTest_vcl_bitmap_test \
CppunitTest_vcl_fontcharmap \
CppunitTest_vcl_fontmetric \
CppunitTest_vcl_complextext \
CppunitTest_vcl_filters_test \
CppunitTest_vcl_outdev \
......@@ -104,25 +104,32 @@ private:
sal_uInt16 mnMiscFlags; // Misc Flags
sal_uInt32 mnRefCount; // Reference Counter
bool mbScalableFont;
// TODO: As these are progressively moved from bit fields into boolean variables, comment them out.
// Eventually this enum will not be needed and we can remove it.
bool operator==( const ImplFontMetric& ) const;
void AddReference();
void DeReference();
long GetAscent() const { return mnAscent; }
long GetDescent() const { return mnDescent; }
long GetIntLeading() const { return mnIntLeading; }
long GetExtLeading() const { return mnExtLeading; }
long GetLineHeight() const { return mnLineHeight; }
long GetSlant() const { return mnSlant; }
bool IsFullstopCentered() const { return ((mnMiscFlags & FULLSTOP_CENTERED_FLAG ) != 0); }
long GetAscent() const { return mnAscent; }
long GetDescent() const { return mnDescent; }
long GetIntLeading() const { return mnIntLeading; }
long GetExtLeading() const { return mnExtLeading; }
long GetLineHeight() const { return mnLineHeight; }
long GetSlant() const { return mnSlant; }
long GetBulletOffset() const { return mnBulletOffset; }
bool IsScalable() const { return ((mnMiscFlags & SCALABLE_FLAG) != 0); }
bool IsScalable() const { return mbScalableFont; }
bool IsFullstopCentered() const { return ((mnMiscFlags & FULLSTOP_CENTERED_FLAG ) != 0); }
long GetBulletOffset() const { return mnBulletOffset; }
bool operator==( const ImplFontMetric& ) const;
void SetScalableFlag(bool bScalable) { mbScalableFont = bScalable; }
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <test/bootstrapfixture.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <osl/process.h>
#include <vcl/metric.hxx>
#include "impfont.hxx"
class VclFontMetricTest : public test::BootstrapFixture
VclFontMetricTest() : BootstrapFixture(true, false) {}
void testScalableFlag();
void testEqualityOperator();
void VclFontMetricTest::testScalableFlag()
// default constructor should set scalable flag to false
FontMetric aFontMetric;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Scalable flag should be false after default constructor called", !aFontMetric.IsScalable() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Scalable flag should be true", aFontMetric.IsScalable() );
void VclFontMetricTest::testEqualityOperator()
// default constructor should set scalable flag to false
FontMetric aLhs, aRhs;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Scalable flag set same", aLhs == aRhs );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
......@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ ImplFontMetric::ImplFontMetric()
mnSlant( 0 ),
mnBulletOffset( 0 ),
mnMiscFlags( 0 ),
mnRefCount( 1 )
mnRefCount( 1 ),
mbScalableFont( false )
inline void ImplFontMetric::AddReference()
......@@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ inline void ImplFontMetric::DeReference()
bool ImplFontMetric::operator==( const ImplFontMetric& r ) const
if( mbScalableFont != r.mbScalableFont )
return false;
if( mnMiscFlags != r.mnMiscFlags )
return false;
if( mnAscent != r.mnAscent )
......@@ -154,4 +157,14 @@ long FontMetric::GetBulletOffset() const
return mpImplMetric->GetBulletOffset();
bool FontMetric::IsScalable() const
return mpImplMetric->IsScalable();
void FontMetric::SetScalableFlag(bool bScalable)
mpImplMetric->SetScalableFlag( bScalable );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
......@@ -82,8 +82,7 @@ FontMetric OutputDevice::GetDevFont( int nDevFontIndex ) const
aFontMetric.SetWeight( rData.GetWeight() );
aFontMetric.SetItalic( rData.GetSlantType() );
aFontMetric.SetWidthType( rData.GetWidthType() );
if( rData.IsScalable() )
aFontMetric.mpImplMetric->mnMiscFlags |= ImplFontMetric::SCALABLE_FLAG;
aFontMetric.SetScalableFlag( rData.IsScalable() );
if( rData.IsBuiltInFont() )
aFontMetric.mpImplMetric->mnMiscFlags |= ImplFontMetric::DEVICE_FLAG;
......@@ -217,8 +216,7 @@ FontMetric OutputDevice::GetFontMetric() const
aMetric.mpImplMetric->mnMiscFlags = 0;
if( pFontAttributes->IsBuiltInFont() )
aMetric.mpImplMetric->mnMiscFlags |= ImplFontMetric::DEVICE_FLAG;
if( pFontAttributes->IsScalable() )
aMetric.mpImplMetric->mnMiscFlags |= ImplFontMetric::SCALABLE_FLAG;
aMetric.SetScalableFlag( pFontAttributes->IsScalable() );
if( pFontAttributes->IsFullstopCentered())
aMetric.mpImplMetric->mnMiscFlags |= ImplFontMetric::FULLSTOP_CENTERED_FLAG;
aMetric.mpImplMetric->mnBulletOffset = pFontAttributes->GetBulletOffset();
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