Kaydet (Commit) 893cf377 authored tarafından Jan Holesovsky's avatar Jan Holesovsky

icons: Include Industrial again, it is used as a Tango fallback.

Change-Id: I58c532f33483d051b9748b7d830f440b17c9a35e
üst cb6ced50
......@@ -1474,7 +1474,7 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(galleries,
AS_HELP_STRING([--with-theme="theme1 theme2..."],
[Choose which themes to include. By default those themes with an '*' are included.
Possible choices: *breeze, *crystal, *galaxy, *hicontrast, human, industrial, *oxygen, *sifr, *tango, *tango_testing.]),
Possible choices: *breeze, *crystal, *galaxy, *hicontrast, human, *industrial, *oxygen, *sifr, *tango, *tango_testing.]),
......@@ -11372,7 +11372,7 @@ dnl ===================================================================
AC_MSG_CHECKING([which themes to include])
# if none given use default subset of available themes
if test "x$with_theme" = "x" -o "x$with_theme" = "xyes"; then
with_theme="breeze crystal galaxy hicontrast oxygen tango sifr"
with_theme="breeze crystal galaxy hicontrast industrial oxygen sifr tango"
test -z "$ENABLE_RELEASE_BUILD" && with_theme="$with_theme tango_testing"
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