Kaydet (Commit) 84a86d8a authored tarafından Noel Grandin's avatar Noel Grandin

loplugin:passstuffbyref in cui

Change-Id: I13c2956ad5012373a41c8e6c2af70583fa18c339
üst e7d3fa58
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
virtual ~AssignComponentDialog();
virtual void dispose() override;
OUString getURL() const
const OUString& getURL() const
{ return maURL; }
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public:
bool IsErrorLanguageSelected() const {return m_bIsErrorLanguageSelected;}
void SetDictionary(const Reference<XDictionary>& xDict) { m_xDictionary = xDict; }
Reference<XDictionary> GetDictionary() const {return m_xDictionary;}
const Reference<XDictionary>& GetDictionary() const { return m_xDictionary; }
void SetAddedWord(const OUString& rWord) {m_sAddedWord = rWord;}
const OUString& GetAddedWord() const { return m_sAddedWord;}
......@@ -125,20 +125,20 @@ public:
bool IsReadOnly( ) { return bReadOnly; }
bool IsDocConfig( ) { return bDocConfig; }
< css::ui::XUIConfigurationManager >
const css::uno::Reference
< css::ui::XUIConfigurationManager >&
GetConfigManager() { return m_xCfgMgr; };
< css::ui::XUIConfigurationManager >
const css::uno::Reference
< css::ui::XUIConfigurationManager >&
GetParentConfigManager() { return m_xParentCfgMgr; };
< css::ui::XImageManager >
const css::uno::Reference
< css::ui::XImageManager >&
GetImageManager() { return m_xImgMgr; };
< css::ui::XImageManager >
const css::uno::Reference
< css::ui::XImageManager >&
GetParentImageManager() { return m_xParentImgMgr; };
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ public:
void SetBackupGraphic( css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic > graphic )
{ xBackupGraphic = graphic; }
css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic > GetBackupGraphic()
const css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic >& GetBackupGraphic()
{ return xBackupGraphic; }
bool IsIconModified() { return xBackupGraphic.is(); }
......@@ -79,22 +79,22 @@ public:
void SetNewColorList( XColorListRef pColorList )
{ mpNewColorList = pColorList; }
XColorListRef GetNewColorList() const { return mpNewColorList; }
const XColorListRef GetColorList() const { return mpColorList; }
const XColorListRef& GetNewColorList() const { return mpNewColorList; }
const XColorListRef& GetColorList() const { return mpColorList; }
void SetNewGradientList( XGradientListRef pGrdLst)
void SetNewGradientList( XGradientListRef pGrdLst)
{ mpNewGradientList = pGrdLst; }
XGradientListRef GetNewGradientList() const
const XGradientListRef& GetNewGradientList() const
{ return mpNewGradientList; }
void SetNewHatchingList( XHatchListRef pHtchLst)
void SetNewHatchingList( XHatchListRef pHtchLst)
{ mpNewHatchingList = pHtchLst; }
XHatchListRef GetNewHatchingList() const
const XHatchListRef& GetNewHatchingList() const
{ return mpNewHatchingList; }
void SetNewBitmapList( XBitmapListRef pBmpLst)
void SetNewBitmapList( XBitmapListRef pBmpLst)
{ mpNewBitmapList = pBmpLst; }
XBitmapListRef GetNewBitmapList() const { return mpNewBitmapList; }
const XBitmapListRef& GetNewBitmapList() const { return mpNewBitmapList; }
......@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ public:
void SetPropertyList( XPropertyListType t, const XPropertyListRef &xRef );
void SetColorList( const XColorListRef& pColList );
XColorListRef GetColorList() { return pColorList; }
const XColorListRef& GetColorList() { return pColorList; }
void SaveToViewFrame( SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame );
void SetupForViewFrame( SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame );
......@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@ public:
void SetNewDashList( XDashListRef pInLst)
{ pNewDashList = pInLst; }
XDashListRef GetNewDashList() const { return pNewDashList; }
const XDashListRef& GetNewDashList() const { return pNewDashList; }
void SetNewLineEndList( XLineEndListRef pInLst)
{ pNewLineEndList = pInLst; }
XLineEndListRef GetNewLineEndList() const { return pNewLineEndList; }
const XLineEndListRef& GetNewLineEndList() const { return pNewLineEndList; }
void SetNewColorList( XColorListRef pColTab ) { mpNewColorList = pColTab; }
XColorListRef GetNewColorList() const { return mpNewColorList; }
XColorListRef GetColorList() const { return pColorList; }
const XColorListRef& GetNewColorList() const { return mpNewColorList; }
const XColorListRef& GetColorList() const { return pColorList; }
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public:
virtual void ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& );
virtual int DeactivatePage( SfxItemSet* pSet );
OUString GetUserData() { return aUserString; }
const OUString& GetUserData() { return aUserString; }
virtual bool QueryClose();
void StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) override;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ protected:
const OUString& rUIXMLDescription,
const css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XStorage >& xStorage);
css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject > GetObject()
const css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& GetObject()
{ return m_xObj; }
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > GetIconIfIconified( OUString* pGraphicMediaType );
virtual bool IsCreateNew() const;
......@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ public:
virtual ~SvxNewDictionaryDialog();
virtual void dispose() override;
css::linguistic2::XDictionary >
const css::uno::Reference<
css::linguistic2::XDictionary >&
GetNewDictionary() { return xNewDic; }
......@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ public:
const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel >& entryModel) { nType = nT; nodes = entryNodes; loaded=false; model = entryModel; }
SFEntry( const SFEntry& r ) { nType = r.nType; nodes = r.nodes; loaded = r.loaded; }
virtual ~SFEntry() {}
css::uno::Reference< css::script::browse::XBrowseNode > GetNode() { return nodes ;}
css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > GetModel() { return model ;};
const css::uno::Reference< css::script::browse::XBrowseNode >& GetNode() { return nodes ;}
const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel >& GetModel() { return model ;};
bool isLoaded() const { return loaded; }
void setLoaded() { loaded=true; }
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public:
virtual void dispose() override;
bool WordFound() const { return m_bWordFound; }
OUString getErrStr() const { return m_aErrStr; }
const OUString& getErrStr() const { return m_aErrStr; }
// Handler
DECL_LINK_TYPED( ReplaceBtnHdl_Impl, Button *, void );
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ private:
css::uno::Sequence< OUString >
inline css::uno::Sequence< OUString > GetPropertyNames() const
const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& GetPropertyNames() const
{ return maPropertyNames; }
bool RetrieveOptions();
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ void SelectPersonaDialog::SetAppliedPersonaSetting( OUString& rPersonaSetting )
m_aAppliedPersona = rPersonaSetting;
OUString SelectPersonaDialog::GetAppliedPersonaSetting() const
const OUString& SelectPersonaDialog::GetAppliedPersonaSetting() const
return m_aAppliedPersona;
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public:
void AddPersonaSetting( OUString& );
void ClearSearchResults();
void SetAppliedPersonaSetting( OUString& );
OUString GetAppliedPersonaSetting() const;
const OUString& GetAppliedPersonaSetting() const;
/// Handle the Search button
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ private:
bool m_isLearnmoreTag, m_hasResults;
PersonasDocHandler(){ m_isLearnmoreTag = false; m_hasResults = false; }
std::vector<OUString> getLearnmoreURLs() { return m_vLearnmoreURLs; }
const std::vector<OUString>& getLearnmoreURLs() { return m_vLearnmoreURLs; }
bool hasResults() { return m_hasResults; }
// XDocumentHandler
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