Kaydet (Commit) 835c1586 authored tarafından Miklos Vajna's avatar Miklos Vajna

Related: tdf#108524 sw: dump follow/precede of cell frames in layout xml dump

These point to the other cell frame on the previous/next page (in case
the cell frame is split across multiple pages).

Change-Id: Ic03cf9a194a49320d84dbdb5176fa737e5d6520d
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/38818Reviewed-by: 's avatarMiklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.co.uk>
Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
üst e6abe9c3
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ public:
const SwCellFrame& FindStartEndOfRowSpanCell( bool bStart ) const;
long GetLayoutRowSpan() const;
void dumpAsXmlAttributes(xmlTextWriterPtr writer) const override;
......@@ -5100,6 +5100,16 @@ long SwCellFrame::GetLayoutRowSpan() const
return nRet;
void SwCellFrame::dumpAsXmlAttributes(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const
if (SwCellFrame* pFollow = GetFollowCell())
xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(pWriter, BAD_CAST("follow"), "%" SAL_PRIuUINT32, pFollow->GetFrameId());
if (SwCellFrame* pPrevious = GetPreviousCell())
xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(pWriter, BAD_CAST("precede"), "%" SAL_PRIuUINT32, pPrevious->GetFrameId());
// #i103961#
void SwCellFrame::Cut()
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