Kaydet (Commit) 80400973 authored tarafından Justin Luth's avatar Justin Luth Kaydeden (comit) Justin Luth

tdf#118244 pdfexport: radio buttons use groupname now

The previous implementation grouped radio buttons if their
object name was the same. Likely this is a very old implementation,
because the current radio buttons have a groupname property which
links them together (although that too needed fixing in doc/docx),
and their object names are unique.

The old implementation still works - so that still needs to be
supported, but I think I'll do that in a separate patch, so
that it can be easily reverted if the old implementation is

Edge cases tested:
-groupID of 0 works fine - doesn't have to be 1-based.
-empty group name works fine (but breaks the old impl).
-writer, calc,

Change-Id: I84aebdac18b9edfa5ffcbfb23c15d0f37fcd47d1
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/62742
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: 's avatarJustin Luth <justin_luth@sil.org>
üst f825e6d4
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
#include <memory>
#include <toolkit/helper/formpdfexport.hxx>
#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
......@@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ namespace toolkitform
// host document makes it somewhat difficult ...
// Problem is that two form radio buttons belong to the same group if
// - they have the same parent
// - AND they have the same name
// - AND they have the same group name
// This implies that we need some knowledge about (potentially) *all* radio button
// groups in the document.
......@@ -156,29 +158,12 @@ namespace toolkitform
::std::vector< sal_Int32 > aPath;
Reference< XInterface > xNormalizedLookup( _rxRadioModel, UNO_QUERY );
OUString sRadioGroupName;
OSL_VERIFY( _rxRadioModel->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_NAME ) >>= sRadioGroupName );
Reference< XIndexAccess > xCurrentContainer( xRoot );
sal_Int32 nStartWithChild = 0;
sal_Int32 nGroupsEncountered = 0;
Reference< XNameAccess > xElementNameAccess( xCurrentContainer, UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xElementNameAccess.is(), "determineRadioGroupId: no name container?" );
if ( !xElementNameAccess.is() )
return -1;
if ( nStartWithChild == 0 )
{ // we encounter this container the first time. In particular, we did not
// just step up
nGroupsEncountered += xElementNameAccess->getElementNames().getLength();
// this is way too much: Not all of the elements in the current container
// may form groups, especially if they're forms. But anyway, this number is
// sufficient for our purpose. Finally, the container contains *at most*
// that much groups
std::unordered_map<OUString,sal_Int32> GroupNameMap;
sal_Int32 nCount = xCurrentContainer->getCount();
sal_Int32 i;
for ( i = nStartWithChild; i < nCount; ++i )
......@@ -204,27 +189,47 @@ namespace toolkitform
if ( xElement.get() == xNormalizedLookup.get() )
// look up the name of the radio group in the list of all element names
Sequence< OUString > aElementNames( xElementNameAccess->getElementNames() );
const OUString* pElementNames = aElementNames.getConstArray();
const OUString* pElementNamesEnd = pElementNames + aElementNames.getLength();
while ( pElementNames != pElementNamesEnd )
// Our radio button is in this container.
// Now take the time to ID this container's groups and return the button's groupId
for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
if ( *pElementNames == sRadioGroupName )
sal_Int32 nLocalGroupIndex = pElementNames - aElementNames.getConstArray();
OSL_ENSURE( nLocalGroupIndex < xElementNameAccess->getElementNames().getLength(),
"determineRadioGroupId: inconsistency!" );
sal_Int32 nGlobalGroupId = nGroupsEncountered - xElementNameAccess->getElementNames().getLength() + nLocalGroupIndex;
return nGlobalGroupId;
xElement.set( xCurrentContainer->getByIndex( i ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
Reference< XServiceInfo > xModelSI( xElement, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
if ( xModelSI->supportsService("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButtonModel") )
Reference< XPropertySet > aProps( xElement, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
OUString sGroupName;
aProps->getPropertyValue("GroupName") >>= sGroupName;
// map: unique key is the group name, so attempts to add a different ID value
// for an existing group are ignored - keeping the first ID - perfect for this scenario.
GroupNameMap.emplace( sGroupName, nGroupsEncountered + i );
if ( xElement.get() == xNormalizedLookup.get() )
return GroupNameMap[sGroupName];
catch( uno::Exception& )
OSL_FAIL( "determineRadioGroupId: did not find the radios element name!" );
SAL_WARN("toolkit","determineRadioGroupId: did not find the radios element's group!" );
// we encounter this container the first time. In particular, we did not just step up
if ( nStartWithChild == 0 )
// Our control wasn't in this container, so consider every item to be a possible unique group.
// This is way too much: Not all of the elements in the current container will form groups.
// But anyway, this number is sufficient for our purpose, since sequential group ids are not required.
// Ultimately, the container contains *at most* this many groups.
nGroupsEncountered += nCount;
if ( i >= nCount )
// the loop terminated because there were no more elements
......@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ public:
void testTdf99680();
void testTdf99680_2();
void testTdf108963();
void testTdf118244_radioButtonGroup();
/// Test writing ToUnicode CMAP for LTR ligatures.
void testTdf115117_1();
......@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ public:
......@@ -872,6 +874,43 @@ void PdfExportTest::testTdf108963()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, nYellowPathCount);
void PdfExportTest::testTdf118244_radioButtonGroup()
vcl::filter::PDFDocument aDocument;
load("tdf118244_radioButtonGroup.odt", aDocument);
// The document has one page.
std::vector<vcl::filter::PDFObjectElement*> aPages = aDocument.GetPages();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), aPages.size());
// There are eight radio buttons.
auto pAnnots = dynamic_cast<vcl::filter::PDFArrayElement*>(aPages[0]->Lookup("Annots"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("# of radio buttons",static_cast<size_t>(8), pAnnots->GetElements().size());
sal_uInt32 nRadioGroups = 0;
for ( const auto& aElement : aDocument.GetElements() )
auto pObject = dynamic_cast<vcl::filter::PDFObjectElement*>(aElement.get());
if ( !pObject )
auto pType = dynamic_cast<vcl::filter::PDFNameElement*>(pObject->Lookup("FT"));
if ( pType && pType->GetValue() == "Btn" )
auto pKids = dynamic_cast<vcl::filter::PDFArrayElement*>(pObject->Lookup("Kids"));
if ( pKids )
size_t expectedSize = 2;
if ( nRadioGroups == 2 )
expectedSize = 5;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expectedSize, pKids->GetElements().size());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("# of radio groups", sal_uInt32(2), nRadioGroups);
// This requires Carlito font, if it is missing the test will most likely
// fail.
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