Kaydet (Commit) 794e5c7a authored tarafından Matthew J. Francis's avatar Matthew J. Francis Kaydeden (comit) David Tardon

Fix unbalanced new/free() -> new/delete

(Spotted while valgrinding an unrelated issue)

Change-Id: I2eab4c08e251d79f427fd01442c4dce20d7d89f0
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/11785Reviewed-by: 's avatarDavid Tardon <dtardon@redhat.com>
Tested-by: 's avatarDavid Tardon <dtardon@redhat.com>
üst 54ae614e
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ static void osl_thread_destruct_Impl (Thread_Impl ** ppImpl)
pthread_cond_destroy (&((*ppImpl)->m_Cond));
pthread_mutex_destroy (&((*ppImpl)->m_Lock));
free (*ppImpl);
delete *ppImpl;
(*ppImpl) = 0;
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