Kaydet (Commit) 78da6efa authored tarafından Ivo Hinkelmann's avatar Ivo Hinkelmann

#i10000# pytohn fix

üst b5b6ea1d
......@@ -126,7 +126,68 @@ def readTextFromStream( inputStream ):
return code.value
def toIniName( str ):
# TODO: what is the official way to get to know whether i am on the windows platform ?
if( hasattr(sys , "dllhandle") ):
return str + ".ini"
return str + "rc"
""" definition: storageURI is the system dependent, absolute file url, where the script is stored on disk
scriptURI is the system independent uri
class MyUriHelper:
def __init__( self, ctx, location ):
self.s_UriMap = \
{ "share" : "vnd.sun.star.expand:${$BRAND_BASE_DIR/program/" + toIniName( "bootstrap") + "::BaseInstallation}/share/Scripts/python" , \
"share:uno_packages" : "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_SHARED_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages", \
"user" : "vnd.sun.star.expand:${$BRAND_BASE_DIR/program/" + toIniName( "bootstrap") + "::UserInstallation}/user/Scripts/python" , \
"user:uno_packages" : "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages" }
self.m_uriRefFac = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.uri.UriReferenceFactory",ctx)
if location.startswith( "vnd.sun.star.tdoc" ):
self.m_baseUri = location + "/Scripts/python"
self.m_scriptUriLocation = "document"
self.m_baseUri = expandUri( self.s_UriMap[location] )
self.m_scriptUriLocation = location
log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "initialized urihelper with baseUri="+self.m_baseUri + ",m_scriptUriLocation="+self.m_scriptUriLocation )
def getRootStorageURI( self ):
return self.m_baseUri
def getStorageURI( self, scriptURI ):
return self.scriptURI2StorageUri(scriptURI)
def getScriptURI( self, storageURI ):
return self.storageURI2ScriptUri(storageURI)
def storageURI2ScriptUri( self, storageURI ):
if not storageURI.startswith( self.m_baseUri ):
message = "pythonscript: storage uri '" + storageURI + "' not in base uri '" + self.m_baseUri + "'"
log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( message )
raise RuntimeException( message )
ret = "vnd.sun.star.script:" + \
storageURI[len(self.m_baseUri)+1:].replace("/","|") + \
"?language=" + LANGUAGENAME + "&location=" + self.m_scriptUriLocation
log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "converting storageURI="+storageURI + " to scriptURI=" + ret )
return ret
def scriptURI2StorageUri( self, scriptURI ):
myUri = self.m_uriRefFac.parse(scriptURI)
ret = self.m_baseUri + "/" + myUri.getName().replace( "|", "/" )
log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "converting scriptURI="+scriptURI + " to storageURI=" + ret )
return ret
except UnoException, e:
log.error( "error during converting scriptURI="+scriptURI + ": " + e.Message)
raise RuntimeException( "pythonscript:scriptURI2StorageUri: " +e.getMessage(), None )
except Exception, e:
log.error( "error during converting scriptURI="+scriptURI + ": " + str(e))
raise RuntimeException( "pythonscript:scriptURI2StorageUri: " + str(e), None )
class ModuleEntry:
def __init__( self, lastRead, module ):
self.lastRead = lastRead
......@@ -342,15 +403,20 @@ class ScriptBrowseNode( unohelper.Base, XBrowseNode , XPropertySet, XInvocation,
def getPropertyValue( self, name ):
ret = None
if name == "URI":
ret = self.provCtx.uriHelper.getScriptURI(
self.provCtx.getPersistentUrlFromStorageUrl( self.uri + "$" + self.funcName ) )
elif name == "Description":
ret = getattr( self.func, "__doc__", None )
elif name == "Editable" and ENABLE_EDIT_DIALOG:
ret = not self.provCtx.sfa.isReadOnly( self.uri )
if name == "URI":
ret = self.provCtx.uriHelper.getScriptURI(
self.provCtx.getPersistentUrlFromStorageUrl( self.uri + "$" + self.funcName ) )
elif name == "Description":
ret = getattr( self.func, "__doc__", None )
elif name == "Editable" and ENABLE_EDIT_DIALOG:
ret = not self.provCtx.sfa.isReadOnly( self.uri )
log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "ScriptBrowseNode.getPropertyValue called for " + name + ", returning " + str(ret) )
log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "ScriptBrowseNode.getPropertyValue called for " + name + ", returning " + str(ret) )
except Exception,e:
log.error( "ScriptBrowseNode.getPropertyValue error " + lastException2String())
return ret
def setPropertyValue( self, name, value ):
log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "ScriptBrowseNode.setPropertyValue called " + name + "=" +str(value ) )
......@@ -757,9 +823,9 @@ class PythonScriptProvider( unohelper.Base, XBrowseNode, XScriptProvider, XNameC
isPackage = storageType.endswith( ":uno_packages" )
urlHelper = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext(
"com.sun.star.script.provider.ScriptURIHelper", (LANGUAGENAME, storageType), ctx)
# urlHelper = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext(
# "com.sun.star.script.provider.ScriptURIHelper", (LANGUAGENAME, storageType), ctx)
urlHelper = MyUriHelper( ctx, storageType )
log.isDebugLevel() and log.debug( "got urlHelper " + str( urlHelper ) )
rootUrl = expandUri( urlHelper.getRootStorageURI() )
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