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add help.tree files to extensions' help

Change-Id: I2decf0178dea2722a752291f21e97cae4aab8074
üst ad050e40
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -45,4 +45,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_helpfiles,nlpsolver,$(SRCDIR)/nlpsolver/help/en,
com.sun.star.comp.Calc.NLPSolver/Usage.xhp \
$(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_helptreefile,nlpsolver,$(SRCDIR)/nlpsolver/help/en,/help.tree,com.sun.star.comp.Calc.NLPSolver/help.tree,com.sun.star.comp.Calc.NLPSolver))
# vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
<help_section application="scalc" id="08" title="Solver for Nonlinear Problems">
<node id="0816" title="Solver for Nonlinear Problems">
<topic id="help/com.sun.star.comp.Calc.NLPSolver/Usage.xhp">Usage</topic>
<topic id="help/com.sun.star.comp.Calc.NLPSolver/Options.xhp">Options</topic>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<helpdocument version="1.0">
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
<topic id="tree_stringsxml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
<title xml-lang="en-US" id="tit" localize="false">Note to translators:</title>
<comment>This file contains extra strings for the contents (*.tree) files. No indexing!</comment>
<switch select="sys"> <case select="OS2">
<paragraph role="heading" level="1" id="hd_id3150150" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">File: help.tree</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3160160" xml-lang="en-US">&lt;help_section application=&quot;scalc&quot; id=&quot;08&quot; title=&quot;Solver for Nonlinear Problems&quot;&gt;</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3170170" xml-lang="en-US">&lt;node id=&quot;0816&quot; title=&quot;Solver for Nonlinear Problems&quot;&gt;</paragraph>
</case> </switch>
......@@ -143,4 +143,8 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_files,presenter-screen,registry/data/org/openoffi
$(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_helpfile,presenter-screen,$(WORKDIR)/CustomTarget/sdext/source/presenter/help/en-US,com.sun.PresenterScreen-$(sdext_PLATFORM)/presenter.xhp,com.sun.PresenterScreen/presenter.xhp))
$(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_helptreefile,presenter-screen,$(SRCDIR)/sdext/source/presenter/help/en-US,/help.tree,com.sun.PresenterScreen/help.tree,com.sun.PresenterScreen-$(sdext_PLATFORM)))
# vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
<help_section application="simpress" id="04" title="Presenter Console Keyboard Shortcuts">
<node id="0411" title="Presenter Console Keyboard Shortcuts">
<topic id="help/com.sun.PresenterScreen/presenter.xhp">Presenter Console Keyboard Shortcuts</topic>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<helpdocument version="1.0">
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
<topic id="tree_stringsxml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
<title xml-lang="en-US" id="tit" localize="false">Note to translators:</title>
<comment>This file contains extra strings for the contents (*.tree) files. No indexing!</comment>
<switch select="sys"> <case select="OS2">
<paragraph role="heading" level="1" id="hd_id3150150" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">File: help.tree</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3160160" xml-lang="en-US">&lt;help_section application=&quot;simpress&quot; id=&quot;04&quot; title=&quot;Presenter Console Keyboard Shortcuts&quot;&gt;</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3170170" xml-lang="en-US">&lt;node id=&quot;0411&quot; title=&quot;Presenter Console Keyboard Shortcuts&quot;&gt;</paragraph>
</case> </switch>
......@@ -116,6 +116,20 @@ $(call gb_ExtensionTarget_add_helpfiles,$(1),$(2),$(3))
# add a help.tree file, to be localized and compiled
# $(1): extension identifier
# $(2): absolute path prefix of en-US source file without $(3) (resp. $(4))
# suffix
# $(3): relative path of (target) help.tree file (e.g.,
# com.sun.wiki-publisher/help.tree)
# $(4): optional relative path of source help.tree file, when it differs from $(3)
# (i.e., if $(4) is empty the en-US source file is $(2)/$(3), otherwise it
# is $(2)/$(4))
define gb_Extension_add_helptreefile
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_add_helptreefile,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4),$(5))
define gb_Extension_use_package
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_use_package,$(1),$(2))
......@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ gb_ExtensionTarget_XRMEXCOMMAND := \
gb_ExtensionTarget_PROPMERGETARGET := $(OUTDIR_FOR_BUILD)/bin/propmerge
gb_ExtensionTarget_PROPMERGECOMMAND := \
$(PERL) $(gb_ExtensionTarget_PROPMERGETARGET)
gb_ExtensionTarget_UPDATETREETARGET := $(SRCDIR)/l10ntools/scripts/update_tree.pl
gb_ExtensionTarget_UPDATETREECOMMAND := $(PERL) $(gb_ExtensionTarget_UPDATETREETARGET)
gb_ExtensionTarget_HELPEXTARGET := $(call gb_Executable_get_target_for_build,helpex)
gb_ExtensionTarget_HELPEXCOMMAND := \
$(gb_Helper_set_ld_path) $(gb_ExtensionTarget_HELPEXTARGET)
......@@ -239,6 +243,21 @@ $(foreach lang,$(gb_ExtensionTarget_ALL_LANGS), \
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget__add_compiled_help_dependency_onelang,$(1),$(lang)))
# add a help.tree file, to be localized and compiled
# $(1): extension identifier
# $(2): absolute path prefix of en-US source file without $(3) (resp. $(4))
# suffix
# $(3): relative path of (target) help.tree file (e.g.,
# com.sun.wiki-publisher/help.tree)
# $(4): optional relative path of source help.tree file, when it differs from $(3)
# (i.e., if $(4) is empty the en-US source file is $(2)/$(3), otherwise it
# is $(2)/$(4))
define gb_ExtensionTarget_add_helptreefile
$(foreach lang,$(gb_ExtensionTarget_ALL_LANGS), \
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget__localize_helptreefile_onelang,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4),$(lang),$(5)) \
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget__add_compiled_help_dependency_onelang,$(1),$(lang)))
# add a list of .xhp help files, to be localized and compiled
# $(1): extension identifier
# $(2): absolute path prefix of en-US source files without $(3) suffixes
......@@ -282,6 +301,35 @@ $(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_workdir,$(1))/help/$(5)/$(3) : \
# localize one help.tree for one language; the result is stored as
# help/$(4)/$(3) in the extension's workdir; as a special case, if $(4) is
# "en-US", the source file is just copied, not passed through update_tree.pl
# $(1): extension identifier
# $(2): absolute path prefix of en-US source file without $(3) (resp. $(4))
# suffix
# $(3): relative path of (target) help.tree file (see
# gb_ExtensionTarget_add_helptreefile)
# $(4): optional relative path of source help.tree file (see
# gb_ExtensionTarget_add_helptreefile)
# $(5): language
define gb_ExtensionTarget__localize_helptreefile_onelang
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_rootdir,$(1))/help/$(5).done : \
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_rootdir,$(1))/help/$(5)/$(3)
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_rootdir,$(1))/help/$(5)/$(3) : \
SDF := $(gb_SDFLOCATION)$(subst $(SRCDIR),,$(subst $(WORKDIR)/CustomTarget,,$(2)/$(dir $(or $(4),$(3)))))localize.sdf
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_rootdir,$(1))/help/$(5)/$(3) : $$(SDF)
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_rootdir,$(1))/help/$(5)/$(3) : \
$(if $(filter-out en-US,$(WITH_LANG)),$(gb_ExtensionTarget_UPDATETREETARGET)) | \
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_rootdir,$(1))/help/$(5)/$(3) : \
$(2)/$(or $(4),$(3))
$$(call gb_Output_announce,$(1) $(3) $(5),$(true),TRE,3)
$$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs, \
mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) && \
$(gb_ExtensionTarget_UPDATETREECOMMAND) $$< $(5) $$(SDF) $$@ $(6) )
# compile help for one language; the result is stored as help/$(3)/ in the
# extension's rootdir and marked for zipping into the .oxt
# $(1): extension identifier
......@@ -298,8 +346,7 @@ $(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_rootdir,$(1))/help/$(2).done : \
$(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_rootdir,$(1))/help/.dir
$$(call gb_Output_announce,$(1) $(2),$(true),XHC,3)
$$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs, \
rm -rf $$(basename $$@) && \
mkdir $$(basename $$@) && \
mkdir -p $$(basename $$@) && \
$(gb_ExtensionTarget_HELPLINKERCOMMAND) -mod help \
-extlangsrc $(call gb_ExtensionTarget_get_workdir,$(1))/help/$(2) \
-sty $(OUTDIR_FOR_BUILD)/bin/embed.xsl \
......@@ -68,4 +68,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_helpfile,wiki-publisher,$(SRCDIR)/swext/mediawiki
$(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_helpfile,wiki-publisher,$(SRCDIR)/swext/mediawiki/help,com.sun.wiki-publisher/wiki.xhp,wiki.xhp))
$(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_helpfile,wiki-publisher,$(SRCDIR)/swext/mediawiki/help,com.sun.wiki-publisher/wikisettings.xhp,wikisettings.xhp))
$(eval $(call gb_Extension_add_helptreefile,wiki-publisher,$(SRCDIR)/swext/mediawiki/help,/help.tree,/help.tree,com.sun.wiki-publisher))
# vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
<help_section application="swriter" id="02" title="MediaWiki">
<node id="0224" title="MediaWiki">
<topic id="help/help/wiki.xhp">MediaWiki</topic>
<topic id="help/help/wikiaccount.xhp">Wiki Publisher</topic>
<topic id="help/help/wikiformats.xhp">MediaWiki Formats</topic>
<topic id="help/help/wikisend.xhp">Send to MediaWiki</topic>
<topic id="help/help/wikisettings.xhp">MediaWiki Options</topic>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<helpdocument version="1.0">
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
<topic id="tree_stringsxml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
<title xml-lang="en-US" id="tit" localize="false">Note to translators:</title>
<comment>This file contains extra strings for the contents (*.tree) files. No indexing!</comment>
<switch select="sys"> <case select="OS2">
<paragraph role="heading" level="1" id="hd_id3150150" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">File: help.tree</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3160160" xml-lang="en-US">&lt;help_section application=&quot;swriter&quot; id=&quot;02&quot; title=&quot;MediaWiki&quot;&gt;</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3170170" xml-lang="en-US">&lt;node id=&quot;0224&quot; title=&quot;MediaWiki&quot;&gt;</paragraph>
</case> </switch>
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