Kaydet (Commit) 6d7d1fe6 authored tarafından Gülşah Köse's avatar Gülşah Köse Kaydeden (comit) Marco Cecchetti

tdf#115549 Enable handling background object.

Change-Id: Ibb9c01d83572259b812981aa6229e9aa9b7c60f3
Signed-off-by: 's avatarGülşah Köse <gulsah.kose@collabora.com>
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/67215Reviewed-by: 's avatarMarco Cecchetti <mrcekets@gmail.com>
Tested-by: 's avatarMarco Cecchetti <mrcekets@gmail.com>
üst a4ac1a93
......@@ -2016,7 +2016,6 @@ bool SVGFilter::implCreateObjects()
if( xDrawPage.is() )
// TODO complete the implementation for exporting custom background for each slide
// implementation status:
// - hatch stroke color is set to 'none' so the hatch is not visible, why?
......@@ -2031,13 +2030,13 @@ bool SVGFilter::implCreateObjects()
if( xBackground.is() )
drawing::FillStyle aFillStyle;
sal_Bool assigned = ( xBackground->getPropertyValue( "FillStyle" ) >>= aFillStyle );
if( assigned && aFillStyle != drawing::FillStyle_NONE )
bool assigned = ( xBackground->getPropertyValue( "FillStyle" ) >>= aFillStyle );
if( assigned && aFillStyle != drawing::FillStyle_NONE
&& aFillStyle != drawing::FillStyle_BITMAP )
implCreateObjectsFromBackground( xDrawPage );
implCreateObjectsFromShapes( xDrawPage, xDrawPage );
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