Kaydet (Commit) 6ceed2e4 authored tarafından Jean-Pierre Ledure's avatar Jean-Pierre Ledure

Access2Base - Correct parsing error in Module

Error occurrs when function name starts with "REM"
üst f550ed4d
......@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ Dim bEndStatement As Boolean, bQuote As Boolean
plStart = lStart + 1
sMatch = Right(sMatch, Len(sMatch) - 1)
End If
Case UCase(Left(sMatch, 3)) = "REM"
Case UCase(Left(sMatch, 4)) = "REM " Or UCase(Left(sMatch, 4)) = "REM" & vbTab Or UCase(Left(sMatch, 4)) = "REM" & vbNewLine
bEndStatement = True
Case UCase(Left(sMatch, 4)) = "THEN" Or UCase(Left(sMatch, 4)) = "ELSE"
If psPattern = "%$" Then
......@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ Const cstName = "\w*" '"[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*"
ReDim Preserve _ProcDecPositions(0 To iProc)
ReDim Preserve _ProcEndPositions(0 To iProc)
ReDim Preserve _ProcTypes(0 To iProc)
_ProcDecpositions(iProc) = lPosition
_ProcDecPositions(iProc) = lPosition
lPosition = lPosition + Len(sDecProc)
' Identify procedure type
Select Case True
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