Kaydet (Commit) 65b09ff5 authored tarafından Kohei Yoshida's avatar Kohei Yoshida

Annotate code & remove unnecessary scope.

Change-Id: I4b8ccef5125c52c48e5d9757bb1f245bf73d0629
üst 5cc38c1b
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ struct PieChart::ShapeParam
double mfUnitCircleOuterRadius;
double mfUnitCircleInnerRadius;
double mfExplodePercentage;
double mfLogicYSum;
double mfLogicYSum; // sum of all Y values in a single series.
double mfLogicZ;
double mfDepth;
......@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ void PieChart::createTextLabelShape(
VDataSeries& rSeries, sal_Int32 nPointIndex, ShapeParam& rParam )
if (!rSeries.getDataPointLabelIfLabel(nPointIndex))
// There is no text label for this data point. Nothing to do.
if (!rtl::math::approxEqual(rParam.mfExplodePercentage, 0.0))
......@@ -254,6 +255,7 @@ void PieChart::createTextLabelShape(
nScreenValueOffsetInRadiusDirection = (3!=m_nDimension) ? 150 : 0;//todo maybe calculate this font height dependent
else if( nLabelPlacement == ::com::sun::star::chart::DataLabelPlacement::INSIDE )
nScreenValueOffsetInRadiusDirection = (3!=m_nDimension) ? -150 : 0;//todo maybe calculate this font height dependent
PolarLabelPositionHelper aPolarPosHelper(m_pPosHelper,m_nDimension,m_xLogicTarget,m_pShapeFactory);
awt::Point aScreenPosition2D(
aPolarPosHelper.getLabelScreenPositionAndAlignmentForUnitCircleValues(eAlignment, nLabelPlacement
......@@ -438,6 +440,7 @@ void PieChart::createShapes()
bool bHasFillColorMapping = pSeries->hasPropertyMapping("FillColor");
// Counter-clockwise offset from the 3 o'clock position.
m_pPosHelper->m_fAngleDegreeOffset = pSeries->getStartingAngle();
//iterate through all points to get the sum
......@@ -456,6 +459,7 @@ void PieChart::createShapes()
if (aParam.mfLogicYSum == 0.0)
// Total sum of all Y values in this series is zero. Skip the whole series.
double fLogicYForNextPoint = 0.0;
......@@ -507,13 +511,11 @@ void PieChart::createShapes()
//point color:
boost::scoped_ptr< tPropertyNameValueMap > apOverwritePropertiesMap(NULL);
if (!pSeries->hasPointOwnColor(nPointIndex) && m_xColorScheme.is())
if(!pSeries->hasPointOwnColor(nPointIndex) && m_xColorScheme.is())
apOverwritePropertiesMap.reset( new tPropertyNameValueMap() );
(*apOverwritePropertiesMap)["FillColor"] = uno::makeAny(
m_xColorScheme->getColorByIndex( nPointIndex ));
apOverwritePropertiesMap.reset( new tPropertyNameValueMap() );
(*apOverwritePropertiesMap)["FillColor"] = uno::makeAny(
m_xColorScheme->getColorByIndex( nPointIndex ));
//create data point
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