Kaydet (Commit) 500261a6 authored tarafından Gökçen Eraslan's avatar Gökçen Eraslan

Use NSS to create a PKCS7 object and write it to PDF file.

After calculating the SHA1 sum of the PDF file, a PKCS7 object is
created using the SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData function of NSS
library. Then, created PKCS7 object is encoded and written to PDF

Change-Id: Ied747f2e31ede1bc44109e5d4223a18f0af59633
üst 607e3874
......@@ -1900,6 +1900,7 @@ else
$(eval $(call gb_Helper_register_libraries,PLAINLIBS_OOO,\
nspr4 \
smime3 \
nss3 \
plc4 \
......@@ -83,6 +83,38 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_use_libraries,vcl,\
$(gb_STDLIBS) \
ifeq ($(SYSTEM_NSS),YES)
$(eval $(call gb_Library_set_include,vcl,\
$(eval $(call gb_Library_add_defs,vcl,\
$(eval $(call gb_Library_add_libs,vcl,\
$(eval $(call gb_Library_set_include,vcl,\
-I$(OUTDIR)/inc/mozilla/nspr \
-I$(OUTDIR)/inc/mozilla/nss \
$(eval $(call gb_Library_use_libraries,vcl,\
nspr4 \
nss3 \
smime3 \
endif # ifeq ($(SYSTEM_NSS),YES)
ifneq ($(OS),IOS)
$(eval $(call gb_Library_use_libraries,vcl,\
jvmaccess \
......@@ -82,6 +82,14 @@
#include "cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx"
// NSS header files for PDF signing support
#include "nss.h"
#include "cert.h"
#include "hasht.h"
#include "sechash.h"
#include "pkcs7t.h"
#include "secpkcs7.h"
using namespace vcl;
using ::rtl::OUString;
......@@ -6098,7 +6106,7 @@ bool PDFWriterImpl::emitSignature()
OStringBuffer aContentFiller( MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH );
comphelper::string::padToLength(aContentFiller, MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH, '0');
aLine.append( aContentFiller.makeStringAndClear() );
aLine.append( ">\n/Type/Sig/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.sha1");
aLine.append( ">\n/Type/Sig/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.detached");
if( m_aContext.DocumentInfo.Author.Len() )
......@@ -6152,6 +6160,23 @@ bool PDFWriterImpl::emitSignature()
return true;
void PDFSigningPKCS7Callback(void *arg, const char *buf, unsigned long len)
OStringBuffer outbuffer;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len ; i++)
appendHex(buf[i], outbuffer);
sal_uInt64 nWritten = 0;
osl_writeFile((oslFileHandle)arg, outbuffer.getStr(), outbuffer.getLength(), &nWritten);
void *PDFSigningPKCS7PasswordCallback(void *arg, void * /*handle*/)
return arg;
bool PDFWriterImpl::finalizeSignature()
......@@ -6162,7 +6187,7 @@ bool PDFWriterImpl::finalizeSignature()
sal_uInt64 nOffset = ~0U;
CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_getFilePos( m_aFile, &nOffset ) ) );
sal_Int64 nLastByteRangeNo = nOffset - (m_nSignatureContentOffset + MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH) - 1;
sal_Int64 nLastByteRangeNo = nOffset - (m_nSignatureContentOffset + MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH + 1);
// 2- overwrite the value to the m_nSignatureLastByteRangeNoOffset position
sal_uInt64 nWritten = 0;
......@@ -6185,18 +6210,102 @@ bool PDFWriterImpl::finalizeSignature()
if (!derEncoded.hasElements())
return false;
#if 0
sal_Int8* n_derArray = derEncoded.getArray();
sal_Int32 n_derLength = derEncoded.getLength();
// 4- overwrite the PKCS7 content to the m_nSignatureContentOffset
CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_setFilePos( m_aFile, osl_Pos_Absolut, m_nSignatureContentOffset ) ) );
// osl_writeFile()
/* An alternate method for certificate reconstruction
SECItem certitem;
certitem.data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(n_derArray);
certitem.len = n_derLength;
certitem.type = siDERCertBuffer;
CERTCertificate *cert = CERT_NewTempCertificate(CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(), &certitem, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
CERTCertificate *cert = CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage(reinterpret_cast<char *>(n_derArray), n_derLength);
if (!cert)
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "PDF Signing: Error occured, certificate cannot be reconstructed.");
return false;
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "PDF Signing: Certificate Subject: " << cert->subjectName << "\n\tCertificate Issuer: " << cert->issuerName);
// Prepare buffer and calculate PDF file digest
CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_setFilePos( m_aFile, osl_Pos_Absolut, 0) ) );
HASHContext *hc = HASH_Create(HASH_AlgSHA1);
if (!hc)
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "PDF Signing: SHA1 HASH_Create failed!");
return false;
char *buffer = new char[m_nSignatureContentOffset + 1];
sal_uInt64 bytesRead;
//FIXME: Check if SHA1 is calculated from the correct byterange
CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_readFile( m_aFile, buffer, m_nSignatureContentOffset, &bytesRead ) ) );
if (bytesRead != (sal_uInt64)m_nSignatureContentOffset)
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "PDF Signing: First buffer read failed!");
HASH_Update(hc, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(buffer), m_nSignatureContentOffset);
delete[] buffer;
buffer = new char[nLastByteRangeNo + 1];
CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_setFilePos( m_aFile, osl_Pos_Absolut, m_nSignatureContentOffset + MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH + 1) ) );
CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_readFile( m_aFile, buffer, nLastByteRangeNo, &bytesRead ) ) );
if (bytesRead != (sal_uInt64) nLastByteRangeNo)
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "PDF Signing: Second buffer read failed!");
HASH_Update(hc, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(buffer), nLastByteRangeNo);
delete[] buffer;
SECItem digest;
unsigned char hash[SHA1_LENGTH];
digest.data = hash;
HASH_End(hc, digest.data, &digest.len, SHA1_LENGTH);
const char *pass = OUStringToOString( m_aContext.SignPassword, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr();
//FIXME: Check if password is passed correctly to SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData function
//TODO: Create PKCS7 object even if the certificate is invalid
SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *ci = SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData(cert, certUsageEmailSigner, NULL, SEC_OID_SHA1, &digest, (SECKEYGetPasswordKey)::PDFSigningPKCS7PasswordCallback, (void *)pass);
if (!ci)
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "PDF Signing: PKCS7 Creation failed: " << PORT_GetError());
return false;
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi","PKCS7 Object created successfully!");
//SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime(ci); //FIXME: Requires PDF 1.6 ?
// Set file pointer to the m_nSignatureContentOffset, we're ready to overwrite PKCS7 object
// Be careful! This is an asynchronous method, so signature may not be ready when the method returns back
CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_setFilePos( m_aFile, osl_Pos_Absolut, m_nSignatureContentOffset) ) );
SECStatus srv = SEC_PKCS7Encode(ci, (SEC_PKCS7EncoderOutputCallback)::PDFSigningPKCS7Callback, (void *)m_aFile, NULL, (SECKEYGetPasswordKey)::PDFSigningPKCS7PasswordCallback, (void *)pass);
if (srv != SECSuccess)
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "PKCS encoding failed!");
return false;
SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi","PKCS7 object encoded successfully!");
// revert the file position back
CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_setFilePos( m_aFile, osl_Pos_Absolut, nOffset ) ) );
//CHECK_RETURN( (osl_File_E_None == osl_setFilePos( m_aFile, osl_Pos_Absolut, nOffset ) ) );
return true;
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