Kaydet (Commit) 4f7f1dd1 authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

Revert "tdf#112689: Replace changed O(U)StringBuffer::append() with operator+"

Sorry, but this change breaks the build:
bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_x86-64/except.cxx(884): error C2110: '+': cannot add two pointers

This reverts commit 86738479.
üst 9191b59a
......@@ -879,12 +879,15 @@ int mscx_filterCppException(
&pExcTD, aUNOname.pData );
if (pExcTD == nullptr)
OUString sMsg = "[mscx_uno bridge error] UNO type of "
+ "C++ exception unknown: \""
+ aUNOname + "\", RTTI-name=\""
+ aRTTIname + "\"!";
RuntimeException exc( sMsg );
OUStringBuffer buf;
"[mscx_uno bridge error] UNO type of "
"C++ exception unknown: \"" );
buf.append( aUNOname );
buf.append( "\", RTTI-name=\"" );
buf.append( aRTTIname );
buf.append( "\"!" );
RuntimeException exc( buf.makeStringAndClear() );
pUnoExc, &exc,
cppu::UnoType<decltype(exc)>::get().getTypeLibType(), pCpp2Uno );
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