Kaydet (Commit) 4e21c682 authored tarafından Michael Stahl's avatar Michael Stahl

gbuild: put the DLL into INSTDIR, not the import lib

Change-Id: Iea2a3d5d73ae6decb12082d850afd72514ef21a0
üst e3e06d0d
......@@ -202,12 +202,24 @@ $(call gb_Executable_get_command,$(firstword $(1))) $(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$
# define gb_Helper_install registered-target target-to-install target-from-workdir
# FIXME how is this stuff cleaned???
define gb_Helper_install
$(1) :| $(2)
$(2) : $(3) | $(dir $(2)).dir
$(call gb_Deliver_add_deliverable,$(2),$(3),$(2))
# 4th parameter overrides 3rd for the dependency, necessary for Library
# which needs to copy DLL but that must not be a real target...
define gb_Library__install
$(1) :| $(2)
$(2) : $(4) | $(dir $(2)).dir
cp $(3) $$@
$(call gb_Deliver_add_deliverable,$(2),$(3),$(2))
# gb_Helper_OUTDIRLIBDIR is set by the platform to the path the dynamic linker need to use
# for libraries from the OUTDIR
......@@ -87,8 +87,9 @@ $(call gb_Library_get_clean_target,$(1)) : AUXTARGETS :=
$(call gb_Library_Library_platform,$(1),$(2),$(gb_Library_DLLDIR)/$(call gb_Library_get_dllname,$(1)))
$(if $(call gb_Library_get_instdir,$(1)),\
$(call gb_Helper_install,$(call gb_Library__get_final_target,$(1)), \
$(call gb_Library__install,$(call gb_Library__get_final_target,$(1)), \
$(call gb_Library_get_install_target,$(1)), \
$(gb_Library_DLLDIR)/$(call gb_Library_get_runtime_filename,$(1)), \
$(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,$(2))) \
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