Kaydet (Commit) 49f6c590 authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

Fix freetype and fontconfig problems

We need to do a "make install" in freetype so that what freetype-config --libs
outputs is correct. We don't use freetype-config ourselves but fontconfig
does, and it builds some test programs.

The bundled freetype and fontconfig are built only for Android.

Change-Id: Ib622cc48a0c4eb6a72188bc83c8d36b39f97fdca
üst 01a51764
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ $(call gb_ExternalProject_get_state_target,fontconfig,build) :
--with-arch=arm \
--with-expat-includes=$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,expat)/lib \
--with-expat-lib=$(gb_StaticLibrary_WORKDIR) \
--with-freetype-config=$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,freetype)/builds/unix/freetype-config \
--with-freetype-config=$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,freetype)/instdir/bin/freetype-config \
--build=$(BUILD_PLATFORM) --host=$(HOST_PLATFORM) \
&& $(MAKE) \
......@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ $(call gb_ExternalProject_get_state_target,freetype,build) :
--disable-shared \
--without-zlib \
--without-bzip2 \
--prefix=$(OUTDIR) --includedir=$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,freetype)/include \
--prefix=$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,freetype/instdir) \
--build=$(BUILD_PLATFORM) --host=$(HOST_PLATFORM) \
&& chmod +x builds/unix/freetype-config \
&& $(MAKE) \
&& $(MAKE) install \
&& touch $@
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