Kaydet (Commit) 48856f60 authored tarafından Andre Fischer's avatar Andre Fischer

#i120174# Do not build tomcat code that is not delivered.

üst 26e18c95
......@@ -1559,15 +1559,6 @@ sub get_options {
print_error("\"--html_path\" switch is used only with \"--html\"") if ($html_path);
print_error("\"--dontgraboutput\" switch is used only with \"--html\"") if ($dont_grab_output);
# Desperate HACK to get readable output from buildbot when built is terminated by buildbot
# due to timeout.
if (defined $ENV{"BUILD_TYPE"} && ($ENV{"BUILD_TYPE"} =~ /\bSWEXT\b/))
$html = 0;
if ((scalar keys %exclude_branches) && !$build_all_parents) {
print_error("\"--exclude_branch_from\" is not applicable for one module builds!!");
--- misc/apache-tomcat-5.5.35-src/servletapi/build.xml Thu Jun 19 16:03:59 2008
+++ misc/build/apache-tomcat-5.5.35-src/servletapi/build.xml Thu Jun 19 15:56:18 2008
@@ -1,1 +1,31 @@
@@ -1,1 +1,21 @@
+<project name="jsr152 and jsr154 in Apache OpenOffice" default="debuild" basedir=".">
+<project name="jsr154 in Apache OpenOffice" default="debuild" basedir=".">
+ <target name="debuild"
+ description="Build jsr154 and jsr152 for Apache OpenOffice (Default)">
+ description="Build jsr154 for Apache OpenOffice (Default)">
+ <echo message="Building Servlet 2.4 API"/>
+ <ant antfile="jsr154/build.xml"
+ target="dist"
+ inheritAll="false"
+ />
+ <echo message="Building JSP 2.0 API"/>
+ <ant antfile="jsr152/build.xml"
+ target="dist"
+ target="jar"
+ inheritAll="false"
+ />
+ </target>
+ <target name="clean" description="Clean">
+ <echo message="Cleaning JSP 2.0 API"/>
+ <ant antfile="jsr152/build.xml"
+ target="clean"
+ inheritAll="false"
+ />
+ <echo message="Cleaning Servlet 2.4 API"/>
+ <ant antfile="jsr154/build.xml"
+ target="clean"
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