Kaydet (Commit) 47f91508 authored tarafından David Tardon's avatar David Tardon

silence build of epm

Change-Id: I439032a384e75815db050d5468d78496267f665b
üst 8f0997c3
......@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ $(eval $(call gb_ExternalProject_register_targets,epm,\
$(call gb_ExternalProject_get_state_target,epm,build) :
&& ./configure --disable-fltk \
$(if $(filter MACOSX,$(OS)),--prefix=/@.__________________________________________________NONE) \
&& $(MAKE) \
&& touch $@
$(call gb_ExternalProject_run,build,\
./configure --disable-fltk \
$(if $(filter MACOSX,$(OS)),--prefix=/@.__________________________________________________NONE) \
&& $(MAKE) \
&& touch $@ \
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