Kaydet (Commit) 42af2d87 authored tarafından Joerg Skottke [jsk]'s avatar Joerg Skottke [jsk]

native0: #161747 - Adjustments

üst 93c9c251
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ sub LoadIncludeFiles
use "global\system\includes\master.inc"
use "global\system\includes\gvariabl.inc"
use "global\tools\includes\optional\t_docfuncs.inc"
use "global\tools\includes\optional\t_treelist_tools.inc"
gApplication = "WRITER"
......@@ -51,13 +51,7 @@ testcase tUpdtScriptCount
dim iCurrentDialog as integer
dim iCurrentScriptCount as integer
do while ( getDocumentCount > 0 )
for iCurrentDialog = 1 to SCRIPTING_DIALOGS
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ endcase
sub sAllWindowTitle
printlog( "Window titles for the applications" )
printlog( "Window titles for the applications: " & gProductName )
printlog( "Writer" )
gApplication = "WRITER"
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ testcase tCheckWindowTitle(sApplication as string, sReference as string)
dim sTemp as string
dim saTemp() as string
dim brc as boolean
gApplication = UCase (gApplication)
gApplication = gApplication
printlog " - Application: " + sApplication + "; Title should be: " + sReference
printlog( "Ensure that exactly one document is open" )
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