Kaydet (Commit) 4191f614 authored tarafından Gabor Kelemen's avatar Gabor Kelemen Kaydeden (comit) Gerrit Code Review

Updated core

Project: help  d427d899f1228bcb309f349c39c17eb96d80d980

Fix ahelp for InsertCaptionDialog UNO command

This is on the Drawing Object Properties toolbar

Change-Id: I2f50145a75d213914f1b699753f39a19cc4a3b71
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/33728Reviewed-by: 's avatarGabor Kelemen <kelemeng@ubuntu.com>
Tested-by: 's avatarGabor Kelemen <kelemeng@ubuntu.com>
üst 9316e783
helpcontent2 @ d427d899
Subproject commit ae83c2d740080cd66029a9cf58457f9711c95b66
Subproject commit d427d899f1228bcb309f349c39c17eb96d80d980
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