Kaydet (Commit) 408f9e77 authored tarafından Takeshi Abe's avatar Takeshi Abe

fixed typos in comments

üst 78b4ef13
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct SmCaretPos{
SmNode* pSelectedNode;
/** Index within the selected node
* 0: Position infront of a node
* 0: Position in front of a node
* 1: Position after a node or after first char in SmTextNode
* n: Position after n char in SmTextNode
......@@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ private:
* A caret position in OpenOffice Math is representated by an instance of SmCaretPos.
* That is a caret position is a node and an index related to this node. For most nodes the
* index 0, means caret is infront of this node, the index 1 means caret is after this node.
* index 0, means caret is in front of this node, the index 1 means caret is after this node.
* For SmTextNode the index is the caret position after the specified number of characters,
* imagine an SmTextNode with the number 1337. The index 3 in such SmTextNode would mean a
* caret placed right before 7, e.g. "133|7".
* For SmExpressionNode, SmBinHorNode and SmUnHorNode the only legal index is 0, which means
* infront of the node. Actually the index 0 may only because for the first caret position
* in front of the node. Actually the index 0 may only because for the first caret position
* in a visual line. From the example above, consider the following subtree that constitutes
* a visual line:
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public:
/** Create sub-/super script
* If there's a selection, it will be move into the appropriate sub-/super scription
* of the node infront of it. If there's no node infront of position (or the selection),
* of the node in front of it. If there's no node in front of position (or the selection),
* a sub-/super scription of a new SmPlaceNode will be made.
* If there's is an existing subscription of the node, the caret will be moved into it,
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ private:
/** Find an iterator pointing to the node in pLineList following aCaretPos
* If aCaretPos::pSelectedNode cannot be found it is assumed that it's infront of pLineList,
* If aCaretPos::pSelectedNode cannot be found it is assumed that it's in front of pLineList,
* thus not an element in pLineList. In this case this method returns an iterator to the
* first element in pLineList.
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ private:
* removed.
* @returns A caret position equivalent to one selecting the node before aIter, the method returns
* an invalid SmCaretPos to indicate placement infront of the line.
* an invalid SmCaretPos to indicate placement in front of the line.
static SmCaretPos PatchLineList(SmNodeList* pLineList, SmNodeList::iterator aIter);
......@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ public:
/** Root symbol node
* Root symbol node used by SmRootNode to create the root symbol, infront of
* Root symbol node used by SmRootNode to create the root symbol, in front of
* the line with the line above. I don't think this node should be used for
* anything else.
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ private:
* pRightMost : SmCaretPosGraphEntry*
* Prior to a Visit call:
* pRightMost: A pointer to right most position infront of the current line entry.
* pRightMost: A pointer to right most position in front of the current line entry.
* After a Visit call:
* pRightMost: A pointer to the right most position in the called line entry, if no there's
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ SmNodeList::iterator SmCursor::FindPositionInLineList(SmNodeList* pLineList, SmC
//If we didn't find pSelectedNode, it must be because the caret is infront of the line
//If we didn't find pSelectedNode, it must be because the caret is in front of the line
return pLineList->begin();
......@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ SmCaretPos SmCursor::PatchLineList(SmNodeList* pLineList, SmNodeList::iterator a
aIter = pLineList->erase(aIter);
delete prev;
//Return caret pos infront of aIter
//Return caret pos in front of aIter
if(aIter != pLineList->begin())
--aIter; //Thus find node before aIter
if(aIter == pLineList->begin())
......@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ SmCaretPos SmCursor::PatchLineList(SmNodeList* pLineList, SmNodeList::iterator a
//If we didn't do anything return
if(!prev) //return an invalid to indicate we're infront of line
if(!prev) //return an invalid to indicate we're in front of line
return SmCaretPos();
if(prev->GetType() == NTEXT)
return SmCaretPos(prev, ((SmTextNode*)prev)->GetText().Len());
......@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ void SmDrawingVisitor::Visit( SmRootSymbolNode* pNode )
Rectangle aBar( aBarPos, Size( nBarWidth, nBarHeight ) );
//! avoid GROWING AND SHRINKING of drawn rectangle when constantly
//! increasing zoomfactor.
// This is done by shifting it's output-position to a point that
// This is done by shifting its output-position to a point that
// corresponds exactly to a pixel on the output device.
Point aDrawPos( rDev.PixelToLogic( rDev.LogicToPixel( aBar.TopLeft( ) ) ) );
aBar.SetPos( aDrawPos );
......@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ void SmDrawingVisitor::Visit( SmRectangleNode* pNode )
//! avoid GROWING AND SHRINKING of drawn rectangle when constantly
//! increasing zoomfactor.
// This is done by shifting it's output-position to a point that
// This is done by shifting its output-position to a point that
// corresponds exactly to a pixel on the output device.
Point aPos ( rDev.PixelToLogic( rDev.LogicToPixel( aTmp.TopLeft( ) ) ) );
aTmp.SetPos( aPos );
......@@ -790,12 +790,12 @@ SmSetSelectionVisitor::SmSetSelectionVisitor( SmCaretPos startPos, SmCaretPos en
//Assume that pTree is a SmTableNode
OSL_ENSURE(pTree->GetType() == NTABLE, "pTree should be a SmTableNode!");
//Visit root node, this is special as this node cannot be selected, but it's children can!
//Visit root node, this is special as this node cannot be selected, but its children can!
if(pTree->GetType() == NTABLE){
//Change state if StartPos is infront of this node
//Change state if StartPos is in front of this node
if( StartPos.pSelectedNode == pTree && StartPos.Index == 0 )
IsSelecting = !IsSelecting;
//Change state if EndPos is infront of this node
//Change state if EndPos is in front of this node
if( EndPos.pSelectedNode == pTree && EndPos.Index == 0 )
IsSelecting = !IsSelecting;
OSL_ENSURE(!IsSelecting, "Caret positions needed to set IsSelecting about, shouldn't be possible!");
......@@ -832,10 +832,10 @@ void SmSetSelectionVisitor::SetSelectedOnAll( SmNode* pSubTree, bool IsSelected
void SmSetSelectionVisitor::DefaultVisit( SmNode* pNode ) {
//Change state if StartPos is infront of this node
//Change state if StartPos is in front of this node
if( StartPos.pSelectedNode == pNode && StartPos.Index == 0 )
IsSelecting = !IsSelecting;
//Change state if EndPos is infront of this node
//Change state if EndPos is in front of this node
if( EndPos.pSelectedNode == pNode && EndPos.Index == 0 )
IsSelecting = !IsSelecting;
......@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ void SmSetSelectionVisitor::DefaultVisit( SmNode* pNode ) {
//If state changed
if( ChangedState )
//Select this node and all of it's children
//Select this node and all of its children
//(Make exception for SmBracebodyNode)
if( pNode->GetType() != NBRACEBODY ||
!pNode->GetParent() ||
......@@ -887,10 +887,10 @@ void SmSetSelectionVisitor::DefaultVisit( SmNode* pNode ) {
void SmSetSelectionVisitor::VisitCompositionNode( SmNode* pNode ) {
//Change state if StartPos is infront of this node
//Change state if StartPos is in front of this node
if( StartPos.pSelectedNode == pNode && StartPos.Index == 0 )
IsSelecting = !IsSelecting;
//Change state if EndPos is infront of this node
//Change state if EndPos is in front of this node
if( EndPos.pSelectedNode == pNode && EndPos.Index == 0 )
IsSelecting = !IsSelecting;
......@@ -995,8 +995,8 @@ SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor( SmNode* pRootNod
while( it.Next( ) ){
//There's a special invariant between this method and the Visit( SmLineNode* )
//Usually pRightMost may not be NULL, to avoid this pRightMost should here be
//set to a new SmCaretPos infront of it.Current( ), however, if it.Current( ) is
//an instance of SmLineNode we let SmLineNode create this position infront of
//set to a new SmCaretPos in front of it.Current( ), however, if it.Current( ) is
//an instance of SmLineNode we let SmLineNode create this position in front of
//the visual line.
//The argument for doing this is that we now don't have to worry about SmLineNode
//being a visual line composition node. Thus, no need for yet another special case
......@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmSubSupNode* pNode )
/** Build caret position for SmOperNode
* If first child is an SmSubSupNode we will ignore it's
* If first child is an SmSubSupNode we will ignore its
* body, as this body is a SmMathSymbol, for SUM, INT or similar
* that shouldn't be subject to modification.
* If first child is not a SmSubSupNode, ignore it completely
......@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmOperNode* pNode )
SmNode* pChild;
SmCaretPosGraphEntry *childLeft;
if( pSubSup && ( pChild = pSubSup->GetSubSup( LSUP ) ) ) {
//Create position infront of pChild
//Create position in front of pChild
childLeft = pGraph->Add( SmCaretPos( pChild, 0 ), left );
//Visit pChild
pRightMost = childLeft;
......@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmOperNode* pNode )
pRightMost->SetRight( bodyLeft );
if( pSubSup && ( pChild = pSubSup->GetSubSup( LSUB ) ) ) {
//Create position infront of pChild
//Create position in front of pChild
childLeft = pGraph->Add( SmCaretPos( pChild, 0 ), left );
//Visit pChild
pRightMost = childLeft;
......@@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmOperNode* pNode )
pRightMost->SetRight( bodyLeft );
if( pSubSup && ( pChild = pSubSup->GetSubSup( CSUP ) ) ) {//TO
//Create position infront of pChild
//Create position in front of pChild
childLeft = pGraph->Add( SmCaretPos( pChild, 0 ), left );
//Visit pChild
pRightMost = childLeft;
......@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmOperNode* pNode )
pRightMost->SetRight( bodyLeft );
if( pSubSup && ( pChild = pSubSup->GetSubSup( CSUB ) ) ) { //FROM
//Create position infront of pChild
//Create position in front of pChild
childLeft = pGraph->Add( SmCaretPos( pChild, 0 ), left );
//Visit pChild
pRightMost = childLeft;
......@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmOperNode* pNode )
pRightMost->SetRight( bodyLeft );
if( pSubSup && ( pChild = pSubSup->GetSubSup( RSUP ) ) ) {
//Create position infront of pChild
//Create position in front of pChild
childLeft = pGraph->Add( SmCaretPos( pChild, 0 ), left );
//Visit pChild
pRightMost = childLeft;
......@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmOperNode* pNode )
pRightMost->SetRight( bodyLeft );
if( pSubSup && ( pChild = pSubSup->GetSubSup( RSUB ) ) ) {
//Create position infront of pChild
//Create position in front of pChild
childLeft = pGraph->Add( SmCaretPos( pChild, 0 ), left );
//Visit pChild
pRightMost = childLeft;
......@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmBinVerNode* pNode )
//Set left
left = pRightMost;
OSL_ENSURE( pRightMost, "There must be a position infront of this" );
OSL_ENSURE( pRightMost, "There must be a position in front of this" );
//Create right
right = pGraph->Add( SmCaretPos( pNode, 1 ) );
......@@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@ void SmCaretPosGraphBuildingVisitor::Visit( SmRootNode* pNode )
//Get left and save it
OSL_ENSURE( pRightMost, "There must be a position infront of this" );
OSL_ENSURE( pRightMost, "There must be a position in front of this" );
left = pRightMost;
//Create body left
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