Kaydet (Commit) 3c4f17b5 authored tarafından Stephan Bergmann's avatar Stephan Bergmann

Don't swallow exceptions in DBG_UTIL mode

Besides, the original "on Windows..." comment from
60016388 "INTEGRATION: CWS fwkfinal1: #i43920#:
catch hidden exceptions" looks bogus, anyway.

Change-Id: I1a31b63ca5aa818db3730b2006d2381b749e4dd3
üst d10d846e
......@@ -1443,12 +1443,6 @@ IMPL_LINK( SfxBindings, NextJob, Timer *, pTimer, void )
bool SfxBindings::NextJob_Impl(Timer * pTimer)
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
// on Windows very often C++ Exceptions (GPF etc.) are caught by MSVCRT
// or another MS library try to get them here
const unsigned MAX_INPUT_DELAY = 200;
DBG_ASSERT( pImpl->pCaches != nullptr, "SfxBindings not initialized" );
......@@ -1539,16 +1533,6 @@ bool SfxBindings::NextJob_Impl(Timer * pTimer)
pImpl->bInNextJob = false;
return true;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
catch (...)
OSL_FAIL("C++ exception caught!");
pImpl->bInNextJob = false;
return false;
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