Kaydet (Commit) 3b4fcee7 authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

coverity#1209375 Unchecked dynamic_cast

Change-Id: Ib6ac44878c6f485326c16fd0224b220e86a4dc6a
üst 369d1e42
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ ONDXKey* OIndexIterator::GetFirstKey(ONDXPage* pPage, const OOperand& rKey)
sal_uIntPtr OIndexIterator::GetCompare(bool bFirst)
ONDXKey* pKey = NULL;
sal_Int32 ePredicateType = dynamic_cast<file::OOp_COMPARE*>(m_pOperator)->getPredicateType();
sal_Int32 ePredicateType = dynamic_cast<file::OOp_COMPARE&>(*m_pOperator).getPredicateType();
if (bFirst)
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